“I know what you want.” Releasing a deep sigh as if she had the weight of the world on her shoulders, Juliet dropped her gaze to his crotch and shrugged. “As you know, oral sex isn’t my thing, but I’m willing to do it this one time to prove I love you. Happy now?”

Chase scoffed. Juliet thought she could use sex to manipulate him, but it wasn’t going to work. Her behavior reeked of desperation and he was turned off by her proposition. She’d always acted as if having sex with him was a chore. Tonight Chase craved spontaneity and excitement, and knew just where to find it. “No thanks. I’m good. Don’t do me any favors.”

“I’m willing to marry you, in spite of your condition. Doesn’t that count for anything?”

“We’re over, Juliet, and there’s nothing you can say or do to change my mind.”

Juliet grabbed his forearm. “You think you don’t deserve my love but, baby, you do—”

“No,” he said in a stern voice. “I deserve better.”

Shock registered on her face and her hand fell to her side. “Please don’t do this... We belong together... I know we can work this out...”

Deaf to her pleas, Chase strode out of the washroom, leaving his past behind.

Chapter 7

“Sir, you look troubled. May I be of some assistance?” asked a male voice with an Irish accent.

Chase cringed. He wished he could disappear into the beige carpet inside the corridor. The gentleman in the black-and-white butler’s uniform planted himself in front of suite 1208 and gave a curt nod. For ten minutes Chase had been standing outside Demi’s suite, pounding on the door, but with no luck. He could hear rap music playing, occasional fits of laughter, and wondered if she had company. Had she met someone else? A professional athlete or a billionaire businessman perhaps?

An Indian couple, decked out in jewels and traditional clothing, stopped at the suite across the hall. The woman giggled and waved, but he didn’t make eye contact with her. Didn’t want to encourage her or to make conversation. He was there to apologize to Demi, not to make friends.

Entering the dimly-lit suite, the woman glanced over her shoulder and winked. Chase stared at his watch. The last thing he needed was for the woman’s burly, bearded companion to think he was flirting with her and pick a fight with him. He’d had enough drama for one night and the only woman Chase wanted to flirt with was Demi.

The butler cleared his throat, drawing Chase out of his thoughts, and he gestured to the door with a thumb. “My wife and I had a fight, and she kicked me out.” Chase stuck his hands into his pockets so the butler wouldn’t see his ring-less left hand. “It wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t need to use the bathroom. Could you use your master key to let me in?”

A frown wrinkled his brow. “Do you have ID? I need to verify your identity before I let you into the suite. Surely you understand.”

“Yes, of course. No problem.” For effect, Chase patted his shirt and pockets then hung his head. “Damn. I left it in the bedroom with my cell.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but without ID, there’s nothing I can do.”

The butler wore an apologetic smile but Chase suspected the Irishman didn’t believe him and poured on the charm. “I understand. It’s obvious you’re a professional who takes great pride in his job, and I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble for breaking the rules.”

Discreetly, Chase reached into his back pocket and removed his wallet. He opened it and took out some cash. Stepping forward, he pressed the bills into the butler’s hand and spoke in a quiet voice. “Are you sure you can’t help me?”

Glancing around the corridor, the butler palmed the money then tucked it into his sleeve. “I’m sure, but thanks for the generous tip. Good evening, sir, and best of luck making amends with your wife.”

The butler left and Chase pounded on the door for several seconds with no success. Deciding to check his work email to pass the time, he took out his iPhone and accessed the internet.

The door swung open and Demi stopped abruptly, her eyes dark with anger and her lips pursed in disgust.

Chase sighed in relief. Finally! Something’s going my way! Chase moved toward her, realized it was a bad idea, and stepped back. What if she screamed? What if security came running? Or worse, she kicked his ass? He remembered the conversation they’d had that afternoon at lunch. While they were relaxing on the patio, eating tapas and downing cocktails, she’d told him about the night she’d wrestled her purse away from a would-be robber in North Philadelphia. Making light of the incident, she’d laughed about walloping the thief with her Givenchy tote bag, but Chase didn’t want to be Demi’s next victim.

Chase adm

ired her appearance. Man, she’s beautiful. He was so blown away by her look, desire flooded his veins. Her off-the-shoulder dress kissed every delicious slope on her body. Lush curls cascaded down her back, and her skin glistened under the dim lights. She smelled of lavender and his mouth watered as her perfume filled his nostrils. Everything from her teardrop earrings to the butterfly tattoo on her inner wrist and diamond ankle bracelet made a bold statement, and Chase wanted her more than he’d ever wanted anyone.

A cold breeze flooded the corridor, chilling his body to the bone. Her hand balled into a fist at her side and Chase knew he was in trouble. Her big, brown eyes smoldered with hate and Chase feared she’d give him a Philly beat-down outside of her suite.

“What do you want? You’re a liar and I don’t want to see you.”

Chase coughed into his fist. “Demi, I’m sorry.”

“You’re right. You are. You lied to me about having a girlfriend, then had the nerve to follow me to my suite.” An incredulous look covered her face. “You’re insane.”

Not insane. Crazy about you. There’s a big difference. They’d connected in a profound way and Chase was determined to get back in her good graces, even if it meant begging for her forgiveness.