Convinced he was seeing things, he wanted to rub his eyes until the image disappeared, but he didn’t want Demi to think he was losing it and ditch him in the lobby. Not when they were minutes away from making love. His temperature rose. Just the thought of her naked, supple body against his caused his pulse to pound.

His gaze drifted back to the lounge, lingered on the slender woman in the black, halter-neck swimsuit, sarong and heeled sandals. Sweat drenched his skin, making his palms wet, and questions crowded his mind. What was Juliet doing in Ibiza? Was she vacationing with her family? Had his mom told her about his guys-only birthday trip to the party capital of the world?

Chase scowled. Of course she had. Contrary to what Estelle thought, he was thriving now that he was single and he had no intention of reuniting with his college sweetheart. He could do whatever he wanted and he planned to enjoy his newfound freedom with Demi—all night long.

Exhaling, he unclenched his hands. Chase told himself to relax, and escorted Demi through the lobby, hoping for a miracle. Maybe Juliet was on a date. Maybe she was over him. Maybe she hadn’t seen him. No such luck. Furiously waving her bejeweled hands, Juliet rushed through the lounge and threw her arms around his neck.

“There’s my man,” she gushed, puckering her thin lips. “Baby, I’ve missed you.”

Chase stepped back, forcing her to release her hold. “Juliet, knock it off.”

“You have a girlfriend?” Demi glared at him in disgust. “You said you were single.”

“I am. Juliet’s my ex, and we’re not getting back together.”

“Yes, we are. We always do. We’re a perfect match. I’m your girlfriend and I love you.”

“Ex-girlfriend,” he corrected, speaking through clenched teeth. He couldn’t believe Juliet was hijacking his date, and that she had the nerve to lie about their relationship.

“We’ve done this song and dance for years, and we both know it’s just a matter of time before I’m back in your arms and your bed.”

Chase swallowed hard. He didn’t want Demi to think he was a liar, so he vehemently denied her claim. “Not this time. I’ve moved on and you should, too.”

“Nonsense. We’re magic together and no one will ever take my place,” Juliet continued, flipping her bone-straight, black hair over her shoulders. “That’s what you said last night when I went down on you in the private elevator. Remember that, boo?”

Bullshit! You’ve never given me oral sex in an elevator or anywhere else for that matter! Chase started to speak, but Demi punched his shoulder and he lost his train of thought.

Juliet wore a triumphant smile and ice spread through his veins. He wanted to curse her out, but he remembered he was a Crawford, not a street thug, and bit his tongue. It wasn’t in his nature to embarrass people or to hurt their feelings, but he had to set the record straight before things got worse. “You’re lying. That never happened. After I left the club, I returned to the hotel and went to bed alone,” he said, stressing the word.

“No,” she cooed. “I serviced you in the elevator and you loved every minute of it.”

The story was pure fiction and her lies infuriated him. “That never happened.”

“Jerk,” Demi grumbled, stepping past him. “I hope you get jock itch!”

Chase tried to go after her, but Juliet slid in front of him, blocking his way. Watching Demi storm off, he realized he’d blown his chance with her and was pissed his ex would screw him over. He should have seen it coming. She’d graduated from Columbia University with honors then obtained her masters and doctorate degrees in psychology. Juliet outwitted her friends and family members on a daily basis and there was nothing they could do about it.

“This all could have been avoided if you’d proposed on my birthday like you were supposed to,” Juliet pointed out. “Now our relationship is in shambles, my parents hate you and I’m seriously considering dating other people.”

Chase eagerly nodded his head. “I think that’s a great idea. Please do!”

“All isn’t lost. You can still propose. And, once you do, I’m sure my parents will give you their blessing.” Her eyes smiled. “We’ll look at engagement rings tomorrow after breakfast.”

“Do you hear yourself? I’m not a puppet, Juliet. Don’t tell me what to do.”

“Someone has to! You’re out of control and it has to stop.” Juliet stomped her foot, as if she was trying to kill a roach, then propped her hands on her hips. “We’ve been together for six long years and I won’t let you disrespect me by hooking up with other women.”

Chase read the situation, saw the murderous expression on her heart-shaped face, and decided to end the conversation before she lost it. For all of her poise and sophistication, she had an ugly temper, and Chase shuddered to think what would happen if she caused a scene in the hotel lobby. His parents would blame him—Mr. and Mrs. Wilmington, too—and he didn’t want to create dissention between the two close-knit families. “I’m out of here.”

“No, you’re not,” she said, clutching his arm with a viselike grip. “We’re still talking.”

“Juliet, stop, you’re embarrassing yourself.”

“I’ve changed. Why don’t you believe me?”

“Because I’ve heard this a million times before. The last time you said you changed you showed up at my office unannounced, insisted I take you to the Four Seasons for lunch and threw a tantrum when I refused.”

“That was then and this is now. Baby, I’m a new woman.”