Any trace of humor left her pretty heart-shaped face. Sadness hid behind her eyes. “I am not the same little girl you met years ago.”

“No,” Caden said with a deep inhale of sweet air, “you’re not, and I can’t wait to get to know the woman she’s become.”

* * *

It was hot enough in the kitchen without an extra body, let alone a fine body like Caden’s. There were a few times the man lifted the apron to wipe his brow and his shirt would lift as well. Abs for days greeted her, forcing her to almost touch them. A couple of times her knees almost buckled when Caden swiped his finger against a tester spoon to taste the batter. Was it possible for her nipples to ache with the memory of where his lips had once been? Sweet Jesus.

Why she let Caden help was beyond her, Maggie thought. Sure, she was desperate and needed the extra hands—not like she would ever tell him—but Caden certainly was a distraction. Nonetheless, together they managed to bake and decorate a thousand cupcakes. Of course she made her new hummingbird cakes, but she ensured Vonna’s Death by Chocolate, peach crumble, lemon, and strawberry crème cupcakes were represented well, too. She liked the fact Caden took orders and didn’t question her.

There were a few occasions when Maggie had to remind herself they were in a commercial kitchen and not the bedroom. The cupcakes weren’t the only thing moist. Maggie glanced up from crowning a cupcake and found Caden staring at her. What she wouldn’t do to smear a slather of icing across his lip.

“You look like you’re crowning each and every single cupcake,” Caden noted, standing next to her as she pushed the last of the chocolate frosting out of the icing bag.

Maggie licked her lips and grinned. “You’re not the first person to say such a thing.”

“Now what do we do?”

“Now I transfer them to the fair and pass them out.”


Maggie lifted the tip off the creamy icing. “Are you speaking French?”

Caden leaned over to rest his elbows on the counter and look up at her. How was it even fair for a man to have lashes as thick as his? “I am committed to seeing this project through.”

She stared at him, not sure why.

Straightening, Caden came to his full height. Maggie gulped but followed his lead. She wasn’t sure she could handle any more time with him. “It’s weird hearing you say the word committed.”

“As we’ve stated before we finished baking, you’re not the same,” Caden said with a heavy sigh, “and neither am I.”

A smirk threated the corners of her mouth. Maggie shook her head a tad. “Well, then.” She pressed her lips together, hoping the flash beating of her heart didn’t expose a genuine smile. Life did not call for a man right now.

“Where did you learn to bake?” Caden leaned his narrow hip against the counter.

“I don’t know,” she replied with a shrug. “Miss Vonna, I guess. She always let me hang around her back here as a kid and whenever I came home.”

Caden nodded. “When you disappear from social media once a year?”

Maggie blinked and twisted her lips to the side, debating how much he followed her on social media. “What do you know?”

“I know you had a strong social presence, but lately it has been limited.”

Grounded, Maggie thought with a frown. “I decided to post only when I have something to show.”

“Like independent testimonials?” Caden cocked his head to the side.

Heart beating, Maggie licked her lips. “Exactly.”

“Wow.” Caden blew out a breath. “I’m impressed. It is quite the change from the girl I’ve seen spotted at fashion week and award shows, sometimes both at the same time.”

Ah, the hologram, she thought with a fond memory. A piece of Maggie’s heart broke for her former life. A year ago this time, Maggie would just be teetering in from a night of partying. Since working at the bakery, the idea of not getting to bed before eleven scared her. The Cupcakery might not open until eight, but baking started at four. A hologram wouldn’t work here. This was a hands-on job, and failing affected Vonna.

“It’s been ages.”

“This must pay the bills,” Caden mused. “I’ve caught a few of your how-to video blogs. Teaching socialites to be independent—quite the market you’ve got there. I’m impressed.”

Heat filled her cheeks and added to the trickle of sweat rolling down her spine. Caden knew about Maggie’s former life. What would he think of her if he knew she was doing this because of her father’s ultimatum?