“You are,” she said, draping her arms around his neck. “I knew you were trouble the moment I rescued you from those bickering blondes, and you’ve been a handful ever since.”

“And now you have the distinct honor of being my one and only.” He kissed the tip of her nose then her cheeks. “Baby, let’s go inside. I have something to show you.”

Her gaze dropped to his lap and a smirk curled her lips. “I know. I can feel it!”

Chuckling, Chase scooped her up in his arms and set off for the house, marveling at the woman who’d captured his heart in Ibiza with just one kiss.

Chapter 20

“I’m late... I can’t believe it...what am I going to do?” Geneviève burst into Demi’s home office on Thursday afternoon with tears in her eyes, speaking in a loud, feverish voice. “This couldn’t have happened at a worst time...my wedding is only a few months away, and I’ve already bought my dress”

Frowning, Demi spun around on her chair and stared at her sister. Her lightweight maxi dress was wrinkled, her nose was running, and she was talking so fast, Demi couldn’t understand a word she was saying. “Gigi, I’m recording,” she mouthed, gesturing to Esmerelda, who was standing in the corner of the room, pointing her iPhone at them. “Let’s go talk in my bedroom.”

“You don’t understand. This is serious. I need your help.”

Her confusion grew. Geneviève either didn’t understand her or didn’t care because she continued venting, seemingly oblivious to Esmerelda, who was still recording them.

“Gigi, slow down. You’re not making any sense.”

Demi gestured for Esmerelda to put her cell phone away, but she shook her head. She’d come over an hour earlier to help Demi brainstorm new ideas for her YouTube channel and now they were live streaming about makeup trends.

“Demi, I’ve been on the pill for years and I’ve never ever been late. Not once.”

Standing, Demi shielded Geneviève with her body and cast a glance over her shoulder. Esmerelda, turn off the camera, she mouthed. I don’t want this shared online.

“Too late. I was already streaming when Gigi came in and it’s too late to stop.” Esmerelda looked at her with wide-eyed innocence then shrugged a shoulder. “Demi, this is real life, and these honest, frank conversations are what your followers are dying to see.”

“Turn it off now,” Demi said through clenched teeth. “I’m serious.”

“No way! This is better than the season finale of Grey’s and I have a front row seat!”

Annoyed, Demi turned her attention back to her sister, who was pacing the length of the room, mumbling to herself about late-night cravings and heartburn. Demi grabbed Genevieve’s hand, dragged her into her bedroom and slammed the door in Esmerelda’s face. Alone now, Demi spoke to her sister, her tone sympathetic. “Gigi, relax. There could be a half dozen reasons for why your period’s late.”

“Really?” she asked, a hopeful expression on her face. “Like what?”

Demi thought for a moment, remembered an article she’d read about the topic months earlier, and shared what she’d learned. “Stress, weight gain or loss, inflammation and even thyroid issues can throw off your hormones and affect your cycle at any given time.”

Biting down on her bottom lip, Geneviève wrung her hands and shifted her feet.

“I don’t understand why you’re so upset. You love Roderick and all you ever talk about is marrying him and having his babies.”

“I know, but I don’t want to be a pregnant bride,” she confessed, raking a hand through her wild, tangled tresses. “I know I’m being vain, and I’m usually not that girl, but I want to look fit and fabulous on my wedding day, not like a beached whale with swollen hands and feet.”

“You’re overwhelmed with wedding planning. That’s why you’re late. Don’t sweat it.”

“Demi, can you go to the store and buy me a pregnancy test?” she asked, twisting her engagement ring. “I was going to get one, but I was scared someone would recognize me. Then the story will be all over the internet and that’s the last thing I want.”

“Geneviève, it’s obvious you need a break, so sit down and I’ll go make you a cup of chai tea.”

“No,” she insisted, raising her voice. “Go to the pharmacy and buy me every pregnancy test they have.”

“Sweetie, there’s no need. I have tons of tests here. Digital Pregnancy is one of my official sponsors and every few months they send me their newest products.” Demi opened the closet, retrieved a purple container from the bottom shelf and opened it. She grabbed a test and handed it to her sister. “Here you go, Gigi. Knock yourself out.”

Genevieve didn’t move. “I’m scared.”

“Don’t be.” Standing, Demi rubbed her shoulders. “You have an amazing fiancé who thinks the world of you, and regardless of what the test says, that will never change. Roderick loves you and he’ll be over the moon if you’re preggo, so try not to stress about it.”

“If you say so, but if I’m pregnant, Mom will kill me.”