Charlotte took a seat on the low stool. Poor woman looked terrified. She had no idea what she was doing. And when she tried to sneak her cell phone out of her pocket to watch a video on how to milk a cow, Tripp knew she really needed his help.

He felt bad about how he’d reacted when he saw her in that pear grove. It didn’t mean he wasn’t serious about keeping Gracie from getting attached to random women. He thought of Charlotte’s face when she’d looked at him. Like she’d been stunned by his lack of manners. He couldn’t blame her. But he was there now, happy to help. He could assist a neighbor who had helped him in the past and keep his daughter out of it. It meant him being close to Charlotte, though, which was already proving difficult.

The woman looked amazing. Even if she looked like she lost a fight with a chicken coop.

He loved her skirts and city outfits like she’d worn the day he met her. He also liked the little sundress she’d had on later that night. But today, Miss Charlotte was a little dirty, a little sweaty, and had messy hair that reminded him of how she’d looked after they’d had sex. Only instead of a dress, her jeans and a tank top were showcasing that perfect ass and high breasts he tasted just thirty-six hours ago.

Not that he was counting.

“I don’t even know what ‘salty’ means,” she said, “but I’m pretty sure it’s a cowboy term for ‘bitchy.’”

“No, ma’am,” he said, ripping his gaze from her breasts and cursing himself for his manners again.

“Oh, now you’re back to ma’am?” She glared briefly at him, then back at Wynonna, clearly trying to figure out what to do.

“I was never away from it,” he said.

“You sure had a different tone yesterday,” she grumbled.

He adjusted his hat and cleared his throat. “Yes, you’re right. I apologize for my gruff demeanor. I am very protective of Gracie. Your presence caught me off guard.”


“I already told Gracie that she wouldn’t see you again and that your boot date or whatever was just talk. Not real plans.”

Her eyes snapped to his. “I need boots, and so far, your daughter is the only one with both taste and kindness around here. I was serious about keeping that date. If you broke it, that’s on you.”

That made the vein tick in his temple. She couldn’t be serious. Tripp had figured she’d just told Gracie what she wanted to hear to dismiss her. Charlotte wouldn’t understand what them actually hanging out would mean to Gracie. His daughter would want to see her again and again. Then Charlotte would leave and Gracie would be crushed.


“That won’t be happening,” Tripp said.

“Well, I don’t need your help, and I don’t know why you’re here other than to make me feel like crap or some demon who will damage your kid.”

“I just want to be neighborly. There’s no reason we need to combine things.”

“I’m not combining anything with you, so don’t let the barn door hit you in the ass on the way out.”

Tripp gripped the back of his neck and took a deep breath. The woman was stubborn, and damn it, he wanted to walk away and not let the guilt of his conscience get the bet

ter of him. Mrs. Gram had been there for him and Gracie so many times. When he was a new father with an infant, Mrs. Gram taught him how to care for Grace. He couldn’t leave her farm to Charlotte, no matter how nuts the woman made him.

“I’m helping until your grandma is well.”

“Well, that’ll be weeks. And that’s why I’m here.”

“Yes, you can take on a lot of it, but you’re a novice. You’ll want my help. And my equipment.”

She glanced at his dick, which was stirring for whatever reason—maybe the tank top. Maybe the sexy gleam in her eyes. Maybe the memory of her legs wrapped around his waist.

“I’m familiar with your equipment and trust me, I can handle myself.”

Oh, that got him heated up and hard, with both anger from the challenge she’d just thrown down and lust to call her on her lie. She’d liked being with him, just like he’d liked being with her. They had fire. That fire might be burning his ass now, but still, it was there.

“I’m helping, darlin’. Get used to it. And your stubborn little attitude is going to change when you realize how much you do need my equipment. ”

Pun absolutely intended.