First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the two-point-five kids, white picket fence, and PTA meetings. At least, that’s what she had thought. That’s what she had wanted. Instead, she plopped down in the small seat of coach class and wondered how her wedding had gone wrong. Because she was very far from what she’d thought would happen. She was hurt, yes, but shocked? No.

Had she ever been in love?


But had Kevin been in love with her?

Tough to say.

Maybe in the beginning. But the lack of affection, lack of sex, and general lack of interest over the past year spoke volumes. Which was why Carrie just felt plain lacking. Kevin always liked shiny, unobtainable things. And Carrie was tried and true.

“Predictable,” she mumbled.

“What’s that?” Blake asked, sitting in the aisle seat next to her. He pounded the buttons on his phone a few times. Then lifted it to the ceiling, then the ground. Obviously searching for a signal. Probably trying to text her brother.

Whatever he was doing, he needed to stop getting so close to her. Because he smelled delicious. He also looked good. Really good. Thick dark hair and a day’s worth of matching stubble made his blue eyes look like ice water against his olive skin. The man was beautiful. Especially when he smiled. Not that Carrie had seen him do so today. But he had dimples like you wouldn’t believe. The one on the right side just a little deeper than the left.

Suddenly, she really wanted to see him grin at her. As if that one action could cure the bad parts of today.

She shook her head. “I was just thinking how predictable I am.”

He laughed. Full-on laughed.

And her prayer was answered. Yep, his smile was just as intoxicating as she’d remembered. Sure, he was Lane’s friend, but she’d grown up with him, more or less. Always had a little crush on him. One time, she’d gone to the local river spot where all the kids went to float for summer break. She’d never forget her first time seeing Blake without a shirt on. She was thirteen and he was nineteen, home from college and hanging out with Lane. She’d redefined the meaning of “man” after seeing him like that.

Hiking and mountain climbing had clearly been good to him, since his dress shirt, which he didn’t seem overly comfortable in, was tight around his solid chest and toned torso. Something she could tell because he was still laughing.

“What is so funny?” she asked.

“If you think you’re predicable, then you need to open your eyes, little girl.”

“You don’t know,” she defended.

“Oh, I’ve known you a long time.”

“When we were young. And you’re Lane’s friend, not mine.”

“Ouch, that hurts,” he said, holding a hand over his rock-hard chest that encased his heart. A heart that had never been broken, because everyone knew Blake was the forever bachelor. He’d been around a lot with Lane growing up, after his mom died. Something about a random heart attack when Lane was in middle school. No one saw it coming, but it had clearly devastated little Blake. Carrie was too young back then to really get it. Now being twenty-six, and with Blake in his early thirties, there was a lot she realized she’d been in the background on.

Including her own life.

Still, she hadn’t had sex in a year, and the last time she had, the one word Kevin had used to describe it afterward still stung.

“Predictable,” she said again.

“Look around you,” Blake said, leaning in. “You’re on a plane to Hawaii with an old buddy. Nothing about this is predicable.”

“Easy for you to say. You basically live outside and hunt for your own food.”

He frowned genuinely. “You say that as if it’s a bad thing and not the most awesome concept ever.”

Now she laughed.

Wow, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d done that. Laughed.

Blake was all man, nothing like Kevin. Kevin was eccentric. An artist with soft hands. But Blake was thick and built and rugged. Held the door open for people and took off his hat when eating dinner. It might have been a while since they’d spent time together, but she knew him. Knew the him that went deeper than most would guess.

She shouldn’t be looking at his clear blue eyes or the stubble lining his jaw, because it was easy to get caught up. She glanced down, only to be met once again with his impressive body wrapped in a button-up and black pants. Not his usual everyday attire. Oh, was this…was this what he would have worn to her wedding? The reminder of that failed day should have made her sad, but his attention to detail comforted her.