“Exactly!” Blake said with a smile. “So I wanted to tell her, in front of a crowd, that I’m sorry.” His eyes never left her face. “Carrie, I’m sorry. I had all these plans. I thought I was helping, and don’t get me wrong, this past week has been amazing. I loved playing every game and executing every ruse with you. But when it became real, I sold you out. I stayed fake when you had the courage to choose us. For real. You are the strongest, smartest, sexiest woman I’ve ever known, and I need you, my love. I miss you and it’s only been hours. I’ll do my best to protect you every day…even though I’m terrified of losing you. I want to try. I love you.”

Carrie stood up and breathing became difficult. She stepped into the middle of the aisle and everyone turned to look at her. Waiting.

Blake on his knees…


He loved her?

“Oh, Blake,” she said around a strangled breath. “I love you, too, you jackass.”

Everyone cheered, and Blake dropped the mic, ran down the aisle, and scooped her up. Kissing her hard, while the cabin continued to clap.

“You sure about this?” Carrie asked. “I mean, you know what I want, right?”

He nodded. And she wasn’t trying to scare him or give him an ultimatum. She just wanted to be clear. Just like he was with her.

“Oh, I know,” he said, and handed her a manila folder out of his pack.

“It’s not a ring…but it’s a commitment.”

She opened the folder and found an offer. Title: Job and Life Offer from Blake Murry and Murry Outfitters.

She frowned, then her brows hiked up as she read the offer while Blake paraphrased out loud.

“I want you to design the entire lodge. All the rooms. Everything. There’s even space for an office there, in my living quarters. Our living quarters…if you’ll accept.”

Water lined her eyes. “Accept the job, or accept the life?”

He smiled. “Both.”

She hugged him, and he wrapped her up in those strong arms she loved.

“I accept,” she whispered in his ear. She couldn’t help but smile and ask, “But about that ring?”

“Oh it’s real, and all yours.”

She looked at him, wondering if he was serious.

“I found it on a d

ive for oysters while you were sleeping. Pink pearls are rare, you know. Almost as rare as you and how much I love you.”

And with that, Blake kissed her like his life depended on it, just as the little overhead ding came on.

“We’re heading home,” she said.

He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “You are my home, my love.”

Chapter Sixteen

“That takeoff wasn’t so bad, was it?” Blake asked Carrie as their airplane soared through the air.

“It was okay,” she said, a little shaky.

“Anything I can do to help?” he asked.

“Plane go high!” Lidia cut in loudly from the aisle seat across from Carrie.