“Well, it’s silly, because I’m not exactly sure what I’d call it, but basically I love making things feel like a home. That’s why I’ve worked at the gallery. Not because I’m some art-crazed maniac, but I think about each person when they come in and what kind of piece they want to walk out with and put in their house. I want them to have the piece that makes that house feel like their home.”

“Like an interior designer?” he asked.

“Kind of,” she said. “Yes, actually. I never thought of it that way.” Kevin always told her she lacked vision and the creative skills it took to create anything. “I just want to make spaces beautiful.”

Blake nodded. “I think you’d be amazing at that.”

“And I hoped that my own business could allow for flexibility with having a family.”

Blake glanced down. Crap. She hadn’t meant to say that out loud. Granted, it wasn’t a secret. She wanted to be married, have babies, have a career. She wanted all of it. But she loved kids, loved love, and wanted to feel it every day. Wanted to give it every day.

“That sounds like a good plan,” he said, but he didn’t look at her this time. “You’d be amazing at creating a home, for anyone, especially yourself and future family.”

A sad smile broke her face. She was happy he was supportive, but sad because it seemed too far off. Blake was sitting right next to her, but they were so far apart. Different people with different wants, needs. She knew it. But this glimmer of hope stuck in her chest. That same glimmer that came in every time he looked at her like she was something special.

“This relationship, fake or not, it’s been fun. We can be anything. And we have been.”

“Very true,” he said with a smile. “So, since we can pretend to be anything, what should we be today, my love?”

He said it with a hint of sarcasm, but the words stuck to her stomach like syrup.

My love.

The endearment made her eyes sting, and she so badly wanted it to be real. Held on to a shred of hope that maybe he’d meant it. Even if it was a slip.

Maybe once this trip was over, she’d ask him to see her again in Colorado. Maybe a hint of what she felt between them could be resurrected. If he didn’t want a relationship, she could pretend to be his friend. If continuing to pretend meant he treated her like this, made her feel like this…


“Well, let’s see.” She tapped her chin and smiled to the sky. “I’ve been meaning to tell you that I appreciate all your support with me being a recovering nymphomaniac,” she said.

He laughed. “Oh, it’s been my pleasure to assist you with that.” He grabbed her hand and kissed her fingertip. “Honey, did I tell you how much I love what you did with the kitchen?”

She smiled at this new game, him pretending that they were back on the mainland, living together, and he loved how she’d decorated their home. The thought of him putting her dream into a fantasy world where they shared a kitchen made her heart beat harder.

“Oh you like it?”

“I said love it.”

She beamed with a smile. “I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about the farmhouse chic approach I took.”

“Oh, farmhouse chic is exactly what I love,” he said.

“Rustic, manly, yet a soft touch of warmth,” she agreed.

“And what do you have planned for the bedroom?” he asked in his own rustic tone.

She leaned in, loving her imagination taking over of what a life, a home, a relationship with Blake would feel like. And she’d play the hell out of this right now. Because all these thoughts were beyond nice.

“Well, I was going back and forth between a four-post bed and something with a larger headboard.”

“Mmmm,” he said lowly, then brought her knuckles to his mouth and kissed them. “I’ve grown to be a fan of the headboard, especially when we get it rocking against the wall.”

She shivered. “I was thinking the same thing.”

“Well you’re the best home designer I know, little girl. Clearly you’re tapping into your client’s needs.”

“You decorate?” came a voice behind them. It was Eve, walking up with a happy smile. She was so nice, and with her cute toddler daughter in tow, they were as picture perfect a family as they’d been when Carrie had met them a couple days ago. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I saw you and wa