“Oh we’re feeling great, had amazing sleep after passing out hard from…all the exercise.” She winked at Blake, and yep, there was that competitive side coming out.

“You two up for a friendly game of volleyball, then?” Kevin asked, pointing to the ocean net setup. “Wendy here was considered for the Olympics.”

Lying douche.

“Yes,” Carrie said instantly. “I am short, but I’m scrappy.”

“Yes you are,” Blake said, grabbing her knee below the table, and he loved watching goose bumps break out over her skin whenever he touched her. She liked his touch, and he liked giving it to her, so they were doing well so far. But the idea of spending any time with Kevin made his skin crawl. “But didn’t you want to get going?” Blake offered Carrie the out.

“I’m sure we can play at least one game,” Carrie said, and leaned over to kiss his cheek. She whispered by his ear, “We have a chance to spike a ball at Kevin’s face. I want to take it.”

“Well played,” Blake agreed. He told Kevin, “You’re on.”

“Great,” Kevin said with a snotty undertone. “See you over there.”

Blake held up his orange juice to toast Carrie.

“Let the volleyball ass whooping begin,” he said.

She clinked her mimosa flute with his glass. “It’s so on.”

Chapter Nine

Kevin called out the score and hit the volleyball over the net toward Carrie and Blake. Carrie went for it, hit it back, and the water danced around her stomach, her breasts bouncing with every move she made. That was the only part about this game he was enjoying.

With every flash of her smile and peek of her skin in that sexy two piece she was wearing, all Blake wanted to do was get her back to the suite, where he could taste everything concealed beneath her swimsuit.

“One more point and we win,” he said to Carrie, smacking her perfect ass beneath the water.

“Game point,” Kevin said, serving right at Carrie. Hard. She instinctively covered her face with her hands, and the ball ricocheted off her forearms and up. Blake bolted to the ball, and just as it hit its height, he jumped and spiked it back down at Kevin, beaming the prick in the throat.

Carrie was right, that did feel good.

“We won!” Carrie said cheerfully and threw herself into his arms. Blake kissed her and waded into a bit deeper water, away from the net, away from Kevin and Wendy, away enough so they could talk and have an ounce of privacy.

“Man, that felt good beaming that fucker,” Blake said, running his palms up and down Carrie’s thighs. Her hair was wet and her skin was bright in the sun.

“I’m so jealous,” she said.

“I have to ask, what did you ever see in that guy?

She shrugged. Shit, what a stupid question.

“Honestly, I don’t know,” she said. “But for the past year, we weren’t even a real couple. I should have known…”

“What do you mean?” Blake asked.

She wrapped her wet arms around his neck and shrugged. “We didn’t live together. Didn’t have sex. Just weren’t anything, really.”

“Hold up,” Blake said, putting the pieces together. “So last night was the first time you’ve had sex in a year?”

“Probably a little longer than that,” she said softly. Then her eyes shot to his. “I’m clean,” she said, and the poor woman thought Blake was going somewhere else with his train of questions. “And I’m on the pill, but I just thought you should know that.”

He nodded and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Thank you for telling me. And I’m good, too. Just FYI.” He winked.

“Well, good to know.” She smiled saucily. “And I trust you, Blake. I always have.”