Plus, he didn’t give two shits if they were making Kevin wait. Maybe they should stand him up all together.

Blake glanced around the room. It was nice, but he’d realized Carrie had already made it her own. It felt…homey. She’d added a few touches here and there. From an antique-looking perfume bottle on the side table, to a colorful throw hanging casually off the end of the bed, it felt so warm. Like Carrie. Did she bring this stuff with her? Just have a knack for making a space feel inviting? Whatever she did or however she did it, Blake felt it. The sense of ease and peace.

Another article of clothing flew out from the closet, followed by a huff.

Carrie stomped out, in two different shoes, a skirt, black bra, and her hair a mess. Good God. He had a hard time breathing. The woman was lovely.

“So which shoes with this skirt?” She lifted one leg up, showcasing one shoe, then put her foot down and lifted the other. “These, or these?” She went back and forth.

“I like those,” Blake said, pointing to the ones with a high heel and strappy thing on them.


“Was that the wrong answer?” he asked.

“No, I like those, too, it’s just I don’t have a shirt to match!” She flung her hands in the air and stomped back into the closet, her cute butt bobbing unevenly as she stepped with one heel much higher than the other.

“Hey, Carrie,” he called after her, and rose from his seat.

She peeked out of the closet. “Yeah?”

He walked over to her and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “You’re beautiful. No matter what.”

Her lips parted and she stared at him as if she didn’t understand the words he’d just used.

She swallowed. “I, ah… Do you mind if I get some me time?”

He frowned and then nodded. “Of course.”

Between a quick “thank you” and instructions that she’d meet him later, she hid back in the closet and Blake let himself out.

So he went to the lobby of The Scene and waited there for Carrie. It was funny, Blake was on a tropical island, but all he wanted to do was hang out with Carrie. But he gave her space like she’d asked for, and finally it was time for dinner.

He waited out front where the tiki torches lit the walkway to a tiny platform, and the hostess led people to widely spaced tables outside, surrounded by more torches and small lights strung up around the area.

This is way too romantic.

The sun was setting, and Blake could already hear the voices of Wendy and Kevin at the table nearby. A few yards off and the douche’s voice carried. But no way in hell would Blake walk in without Carrie. Good girl to make Kevin wait. He was proud of her.

Of course, Blake was waiting, too.

He looked around, stared out at the ocean, and a figure caught his eyes coming from up the beach.



With the orange sun setting behind her, the blue dress she was wearing danced in the breeze. Her blond hair was loose, with a single flower behind her right ear. The closer she got, the more he could see her beautiful figure. The sheer blue fabric clung to her breasts perfectly, with a single strap around her neck to hold it up. Two long slits on each side gave peeks of her toned legs as she walked.

She was stunning. Like a goddess had just walked out from the ocean.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, but you look nice,” she said, walking up to Blake. He glanced down at himself. He had hit a shop earlier today to get a few things for the stay here. Another pair of shorts and blue T-shirt never hurt anyone.

“No Hawaiian shirt, though?” she asked.

He laughed. “Ah, no.” He looked her over and tried to stop from drooling. “You look amazing.”

She smiled. “Eat your heart out amazing?” she asked, and Blake knew what she meant. She was thinking of Kevin.