She glanced down at her tank top. Remembered how excited she’d been when she bought it for this trip. How cute she’d thought it was. And that was it. Carrie was cute. With a butt and breasts that were just on the other side of “too big” for her frame, no matter how hard she tried to work out. Not a butt that could wear shorty-shorts with her ass cheeks hanging out like Wendy.

“Mmmm, maybe we should skip the hike and I climb you instead,” Kevin said to Wendy, extra loudly. Clearly wanting Carrie to hear him. He’d never spoken to her like that. And now she was forced to watch her ex paw another woman.

She turned away, and Blake was right there.

“My offer to deck him still stands,” he whispered.

She smiled up at him. “That’s tempting.”

She glanced over her shoulder. Kevin was looking at her. How much of a game was this for him? He was a dramatic brat, after all. But then, his eyes still fixed on Carrie, he swooped down and grossly tongued Wendy’s mouth like a horny teenager with no grace. Yeah, this was definitely tit for tat.

Game on, asshole.

“You know, I took an acting class in high school,” Blake said, clearly seeing what Carrie was seeing, and thankfully he knew it was time for them to shine. Rather, outshine Kevin and Wendy.

“Did you really?” she asked.

Blake shrugged. “Well, I made out with cheerleaders under the bleachers while the drama kids practiced Macbeth in the gym.”

Carrie laughed.

But when she heard Kevin cooing and telling Wendy how hot she was in between pecks on the mouth, Carrie thought she’d wretch.

Before she knew what was happening, Blake wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, taking her mouth with his in one long, hard kiss.

She gasped against the minty taste and persistent press of his lips.

“Make it look good, little girl,” he said, and swooped back in.

Carrie heard Kevin kissing Wendy more urgently. So Carrie wrapped her arms around Blake and pulled him closer. His hands slid down to her ass, and she tunneled her tongue into his mouth, deepening the kiss.

Yeah, get a good look, Kevin. I can play this game, too…

Her mind was churning out hate for Kevin, but everything went fuzzy when warmth pooled in her belly and slowly spread out toward the tips of her fingers and toes. She was trying to make this look good, better than whatever slobbery monstrosity was happening with Kevin and Wendy. But instead, her brain slowly churned out sparks of pleasure and her blood pumped hotter.

Blake met her tongue with his. A slow, deliberate dance that started deep and ended softly.

When the guide said something about heading out, Carrie reluctantly pulled back and looked at Blake.

He smiled at her, then nodded over her shoulder. She turned to see Kevin, his arms crossed, looking huffy and annoyed.

“Looks like our first mission was a success,” Blake whispered.

She nodded. A little dazed, a lot happy, majorly confused. Why wasn’t blood getting to her brain? She couldn’t think straight. She could only focus on Blake’s mouth, feel the lingering tingles on her backside where he’d squeezed.

“He’s still watching,” Blake said lowly. “You all right?”

She again nodded slowly. Trying to do mental math of the last time she’d been kissed…much less kissed like that.

“Want to hear a secret?” Blake whispered in her ear, standing right in front of her so she was eye level with his impressive chest, yet angling her just enough so that her profile was facing Kevin.

“What?” she asked, trying to find her wit, but she was pretty certain Blake had just kissed it out of her.

“I love pineapples,” Blake said, and leaned down to place the softest kiss on her upper lip.

She breathed in the mint of his breath and spice of his shirt and forgot everything except for the fact that his stealthy finger came up to graze the little pineapple that was directly over her nipple.

“And I’m craving them real bad right now.” He gave her a slight pinch that sent a zing of pleasure straight to her core. Kevin made an annoyed sound, clearly seeing the show, and Blake smiled.