Page 61 of Tripping on a Halo

“I’ve got underwear on. There’s nothing to see.”

Nothing to see? I half choked on the concept, my mind permanently fried with the view’s imprint. I was already rethinking my brain fart from the camp house. You know, when he asked what I wanted—namely, did I want his beautiful penis inside of me—and I had stuttered along like a crackhead. There was a rustle of clothes and the sound of a zipper being drawn.

“There. Fully covered.”

I turned slightly, not trusting him until my peripheral vision showed him clothed, in a head to toe getup that instantly sent my vagina into Sahara territory. “Huh.” I dropped my hands from my eyes. “Sexy.”

“Don’t laugh.” He held up a smaller version of his own overalls. “I got one for you, too.”

“I’m not wearing that.” I made a face, and did a convincing job of waving my hands in the air in an emphatic gesture that clearly communicated the concept.

“We’ll be going through some high brush and wet areas. That, combined with the bugs and the snakes…” He thrust out the garment. “Just wear it. It’ll make me worry less.”

As a fellow worrier, I took the item out of professional courtesy. Plus, if I looked half as ridiculous as he did, then that was one more brick in the Not-Having-Sex and Keeping-Things-Platonic wall. Apparently, I needed to build that bad boy high enough to keep my libido at bay. I held the outfit against my chest and nodded at the door. “Can I have some privacy?”

He winced. “You know how to smash a guy’s hopes and dreams.” Moving past me, he paused by the door, glancing down at my boots. “Mine had built-in footwear, but the smaller sizes don’t. Just tuck the bottoms into your boots.”

“Sure.” I waited until the door shut behind him, then quickly undid my boots and stripped out of my shorts. The outfit was huge below, my socks swimming in fabric as I stepped in and pulled the giant straps over my shoulders and clipped them to the front bib. I found a big plastic zipper along the side and pulled it up, the outfit tightening a little. I made the mistake of glancing in the small mirror over the sink. Wow. I’d thought the potato dress was bad. This made that look like a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader uniform.

“You’re killing me…” Declan called from the front porch.

“You can come in.” I sat down on the bed and lifted up my first boot. “I’m dressed.”

He cracked open the door, testing the waters, then stepped inside. When he saw me, he didn’t react, making me wonder exactly how many women he’d seen in this getup. A sharp pain hit my gut, one I recognized as jealousy. I pushed it away and pulled my hair into a ponytail.

He peered down at me. “Let me get you a better shirt.”

I glanced down. “What’s wrong with this one?”

He ignored the question, fishing through the big bag and finding a long-sleeve tee covered in a leafy print, just like the one he had on. Passing it to me, he turned away. “Go ahead. I’m not looking.”

I grimaced, unhooking the overalls and quickly swapping my tank top for the scratchy long-sleeved tee. Re-hooking the clasps, I stood. “Okay. Thoroughly covered.” I held out my arms for his inspection.

He turned, gave me the once-over, and then flashed me a thumbs up. “Perfect.”

Perfect? This guy needed to get his eyes checked.

We were ass deep in the woods when the skies opened. I smiled when the sprinkles began, appreciating the cool dots of them on my face. But then, without warning, it was a monsoon, torrential rain soaking us the moment it hit. Declan grabbed his gun and threw a cover over the skeet shooter, waving me toward the truck. I scrambled to grab my bag, struggling with the heavy tote as I splashed through the downfall toward the truck. Declan rescued me, reaching out and grabbing the tote’s handle. “I got this!” he called over the rain. “Go!”

I abandoned the bag and ran, climbing into the truck and slamming the door. Wiping rain from my eyes, I searched for something to dry off with. It was a hopeless situation, my hair a portable water bucket, one that was leaking water all over the place. I leaned forward over the floorboard and tried to wring out the thick blonde strands, grateful for the rubber floor mats. Through the blurry downpour, I watched as Declan ran around the front of the truck and opened the back door, tossing the heavy gun into the back where he’d put my bag. A moment later, he joined me in the front seat.

“Damn.” He took off his baseball cap and shook the head of it out. “That came from nowhere.”

“The clouds were there. I should have realized it was growing.” I peered out the window, looking up at the sky, now dark with cloud cover. At least there wasn’t any lightning. “Can we make it back through this?”