“Why?” he snapped.

“B-because I trust you.” Her words were so raw and honest, they hit him like a boot to the gut.

She trusted him.

The exact thing he needed when it came to his sexual lifestyle, and yet the last thing he wanted to hear from her. Because she was the one woman who should be running from him, the one woman he shouldn’t want as badly as he did.

He withdrew his hand and stepped back. Her eyes were glossy as they searched his face. He had to get a grip. He had to get out of there. Had to get her out of there.

“I’m taking you back to Diamond,” he said. “Now.”

Chapter Two

After a quick good-bye, Penny was in the front seat of Sebastian’s SUV as he sped down the highway, heading toward their sleepy home town. Thank God their friends were drunk enough not to notice the heat in her cheeks or the crackling energy between her and Sebastian.

He’d been calm, like nothing had happened only seconds ago. He’d told Colt he was taking her home and, being the responsible attorney, made sure everyone had a plan for their own safe way home. All of them were staying in a nearby hotel until tomorrow. Which left her in the front seat, alone with the painfully sexy attorney.

“Are you going to say something?” she asked.

He glanced at her. It had taken all the courage she’d had tonight to pursue him the way she had. But when she’d caught a glimpse of the man he kept hidden, seen all his intensity unleashed, she’d morphed into a woman who would give him anything—everything—he asked for.

“You didn’t act like I expected.”

She frowned. “You were touching me in public. How did you think I’d respond?”

He just stared at the dark road ahead. “Differently,” was all he said.

He looked mad. Had she somehow upset him? No…she’d seen that look before. He wore it every time she got the better of him.

“You thought I’d push you away, didn’t you?” she whispered.

His heavy breath was all the answer she needed. He had formed a plan to get rid of her, and instead, he’d only made himself all the more irresistible.

He might give in to her yet. She just had to push a little harder. Enough to access the man he kept on a tight chain. The man she’d gotten a taste of only minutes ago at the club.

“You’re going to ignore me now? Not say a word?” she asked, crossing her arms, looking out the front window at the spring night. “You had plenty to say earlier. Like how tight and hot I was—”

“That mouth of yours is going to be a problem.”

“Oh, you do speak! The problem is, you say things like that and don’t follow through.”

He took another deep breath, as if holding on to his control by a thread. Heat and strength radiated from him.

She’d spent enough time with him to know how he worked. He was in process mode. Trying to think of what step to take next. Maybe how to put her back in the friend zone. No way she’d let that happen. She’d come too far. Wanted him too much, and she was now convinced he wanted her back.

“While you’re busy being mute over there, why don’t I tell you what I think?” She turned in her seat, resting her left elbow on the headrest. “You obviously have certain preferences when it comes to sex.”

He scoffed. “You have no idea, darlin’. You’re trying to sign up for something you can’t handle.”

“And yet you’re the one who walked away, not me.” She smiled at him, and she was delighted to see a spark in his eyes. Time to ram the challenge home. “Maybe you’re the one who can’t handle it.”

A low growl came from his chest, the intensity in him threatening to explode. Let it. She wanted to see if this intensity carried over to the bedroom. He kept warning her, but how bad could he be?

Whatever he thought, she was determined to make one thing clear: “I’m not weak,” she said.

“I know.