A searing jab split through Sebastian’s cheek, and it felt like his eye was going to explode. Shocking gasps rang out, and it was when the slow burn of pain set in that he realized Ryder had punched him in the face.

“I can’t be your wingman on this one, man,” Ryder said. He glanced at his sister, then back at Bass. “You want this, you tell her yourself.”

Everyone parted like the Red Sea as Penny made her way to Bass. She hadn’t heard everything he’d said, but it had been enough to make Ryder deck him.

She’d tried to prepare herself for this encounter, but it hurt just looking at him. They would never be more. He’d made that clear. So whatever half declaration he’d just made didn’t make sense. Because at this point, she didn’t know if they could even be friends.

“Penelope,” he said, taking her hand and sitting up.

She didn’t say anything. Couldn’t. Because just the way he said her name made her tremble with anticipation. “Not today.”

It was all she could get out. With her friends and her brother looking on, she couldn’t go into all this. Couldn’t bear to hear his well thought out plan of how to move forward from this as buddies or whatever. She just couldn’t.

“Then I’ll wait,?

? he said.

Penny frowned, her gaze shooting to his. “What?”

“I’m on your time, Penny.”

She took a deep breath, and her spinning world finally slowed, but she couldn’t gain her bearings. There, in front of their friends, strangers, and God himself, Sebastian Strafford had done the one thing she’d never seen him do.

He hit his knees.

She opened her mouth, or maybe it fell open, but nothing came out.

“Penny,” he said, looking up at her. “I’m sorry.”

She shook her head. “What you said this morning…” Just thinking those words hurt.

No. They’d never be more.

“I made a mistake, love,” he said. “I pushed you away on purpose. I’m not the perfect guy for you, but I want to try. I love you.”

Did she hear that right? There was too much coming at her. The pain of his words, his actions from this morning, and now this declaration that stood in the face of how he’d hurt her.

“I trusted you.”

“I know.” His arm moved like he was going to reach for her, but he stopped short of touching her. “I messed up. Said things I didn’t mean. I pushed you away on purpose.” His dark eyes met hers. She saw uncertainty and fear there. She also saw a spark of something else. Love maybe? “I thought you deserved more than what I was willing to give you. I know what you want now. And I want to give you everything. Starting with my control. I’m in your hands now. Whatever you want, I’ll do. In return, all I want is you.”

Her heart was going to explode, and her whole stomach tightened with pain…with hope. Bass was giving up the one thing he never let go of. Was putting her above everything.

“All I want is you, too,” she whispered. Yet there was one thing she had to ask. “How long?”

“What?” he asked.

She gathered her strength and repeated, “How. Long?” It took all the effort she had to get those two words out. But she needed to be clear this time. “You put a timeline on us. Two weeks—”

“Or until you say no,” he cut in. “I was stupid to think two weeks would ever suffice. It’s not enough. Not even in the realm of enough.”

His gaze fastened on hers. She saw him, the real Sebastian Strafford and all the raw intensity that came with him. Everything in her soul recognized him as hers.

Suddenly, there was only one question left. The same question she’d asked the first night they started down this path: “What if I never say no?”

Relief and fierce need spread over Sebastian so acutely Penny could see it.