t hers and cupped her throat in his palm. There was only one way to end this. He’d give her a glimpse of the man he was, and it’d be enough to make her run away. He’d never hurt her. He’d never hurt any woman, but he was a rough man. And she was the epitome of softness.

With one hand still on her neck, he reached between their bodies and slid his fingers up her inner thigh until they disappeared beneath her skirt.

“What are you doing?” she breathed. Her gaze darted around the club, checking to see if anyone noticed them. But Bass didn’t need to look to know the shadows concealed them.

“You don’t know?” he said. This would be the moment she’d break. She’d see his darkness, and she’d shove him off and run away.

He reached the lace of her panties and stifled a groan. They were wet. His plan of getting her to leave him was shot to hell, because only one thing mattered in that moment.

“Who made you wet?” he growled.

She frowned. “What?”

He moved her panties aside and ran two fingers along her damp slit. “You’re wet,” he said again. “I want to know who caused this.”

And the answer better be him. Because if she said that other asshole’s name, he was likely to go beat the hell out of the prick.

“You did.” She kept her eyes on his but subtly shifted her hips, as if begging him to deepen the contact. “Every time I see you I get…”

She glanced away, and he would have none of it. With his palm still cupping her throat, he used his thumb to flick her jaw, making her face him once more.

“You get what?”

“Turned on.” Her eyes were so penetrating, like she could see right to his damn soul. “The way you look at me, the way you talk to me…all of it makes me hot.”

“What about the way you talk?” he said, sliding his fingers along her sweet spot until she gasped. “You said you wanted to fuck?”

He teased her entrance, pushing only the tip of his finger inside.

“I said I wanted to fuck you.” Her eyes were squeezed shut, her hands flat against the wall behind her. He’d trapped her, and she was submitting. It was so perfect. Like her instinct was to give in to him. And his was to dominate…and cherish.

“Pretty mouth like that shouldn’t say such nasty words.” He bit her bottom lip. “Especially when you may get more than you bargained for.”

“I want it, Bass. I want you.” When he didn’t move, her eyes snapped opened and seared him with another challenging glare. “Stop thinking of me like some fragile doll and—”

He thrust his finger deep and she gasped.

“Is this what you wanted?” He retreated but then returned with two fingers, plunging home again. Feeling her wet heat grip him after he’d spent so many nights imagining this moment was like a dream come to life. “You’re so tight. You can barely handle two fingers.” He kept them there, buried inside, and stirred deep until she was scratching at the wall behind her. “And yet you say you’re not fragile.”

“I’m not!” she moaned between clenched teeth.

“Well, I’m not gentle.” He thrust again, and her sheath clenched around him with the release he was denying her.

Jesus she was responsive. She was already on the brink of coming, and he’d not even done half the things he wanted.

“I like control.” He thrust again. “A challenge.”

She nodded.

“Look at you, trembling against the wall with my hand up your skirt in public.”

Her breasts were ready to spill over the top from her heavy panting, but her brassy attitude remained. “Looks like I’m not so innocent after all.”

“Oh? Is this something you do? Maybe with that fucking cowboy? Would it be him right now instead of me?” He surged his fingers as far as he could and flicked them, rubbing the sensitive spot inside.

Her eyes widened with surprise. She wanted to come. He could see it. Felt it in how she tensed around him. But he denied her. For her game. For her tricks. For his own fucking hate of wanting her so much.

“No…only you. I only want you.”