He checked the urge to groan. She didn’t look like Little Miss Diamond tonight, and she sure as hell didn’t look like anyone’s little sister. She looked like she was ready for every fantasy he had—fantasies she’d been the star of lately.

His phone vibrated in his pocket. He dug it out and looked. A text from Ryder.

Ryder: Hey bro, can’t make the party tonight. Got held up in Wichita. Big meeting tomorrow morning. Tell Colt sorry and keep an eye on Penny for me.

Great, just fucking great. Ryder was his saving grace to keep his cool around Penny. But now he was charged to keep an eye on her? He wanted to do a lot more than just look at the sultry redhead.

“Ryder is still in Wichita,” Bass said to Huck. “He’s not coming at all.”

“That sucks. I’ll let Colt know. You coming?” Huck asked, heading toward their group of friends several tables away.

Bass shook his head. “I’m going to hang back for a few.”

“Ah, gonna make a move on the brunette, huh?” Huck asked.

No, he was staying put, because if he left the table, he might get closer to Penny. Might

touch her. Forget why that was a bad idea.

“Something like that.”

Huck headed toward the group and sat with them at the other end of the club. Bass stayed at his table. The packed dance floor between him and Penny might be enough distance.

Except he saw with one part fear, one part hunger, that she was walking in his direction. Her breasts damn near bouncing out of her top with every stride.

He thought—hoped—she was headed his way. Her eyes were locked on him, after all. But that would be bad. Because the closer she came, the further his mind traveled to all the images of her writhing beneath him. Her skin was the color of fresh cream, and he had no doubt her ass would look amazing warmed and pink from his hand.

He’d bend her over, slap her ass while he fucked her hard. Fucked her until she begged for release. But he wouldn’t give it. It would be punishment for wearing that outfit. Flaunting her body that was his to command—

No. Not mine. She’s. Not. Mine.

He’d tell himself this a thousand times if he had to. And he’d hate it every single time.

Just when he thought she would saunter her sweet ass over to him, she stopped to chat up some cowboy. The prick leaned down and said something in her ear, and she smiled and tucked a lock of ruby hair behind her ear. All while she kept her eyes on Bass.

What the hell? Was she trying to make him jealous?

The heat that had started in his gut flamed to a full on fire and burned his blood.

He didn’t know what the cowboy was saying, but judging by Penny’s swaying movements and laugh, the asshole was obviously hitting on her. And the way she raised her brows in Bass’s direction, as if saying, What are you going to do about it? He was certain now what she was trying to do to him. Shit of it was, it was working.

Bass took one step in her direction, something she seemed to notice, and those green eyes lit up.

She was playing a dangerous game. One that required him to keep his focus and control. Good thing that was his specialty. He might not be able to have her, but the cowboy asshole wasn’t going to either. He’d never felt a deeper need to take her, claim her, than in that moment.

But I can’t…

So he’d bury the notion and the feeling. And he’d stand there, unmoving, simply watching with a vengeance.

Except she kept talking to the asshole. No, not talking, openly flirting. But those emerald eyes stayed on Sebastian. Brushing her hair back, she ran two fingers along her collarbone.

He clenched his teeth.

She smiled and nodded at the cowboy. He left, heading to the bar, likely getting her a drink. Penny continued her trek toward Bass.

“Penelope,” he said when she reached him.

“Why are you sulking over here?”