“Yeah, I’m good. I’m just going to focus on the dinner coming up and postpone Operation: Orgasm.” By postpone, she meant carry it out in secret with Sebastian, but again, those were things she couldn’t say out loud.

“Are you worried about running into Eli?”

“Kind of. Not as much as I was.” Mostly because in the forty-eight hours she’d been with Sebastian, she was already feeling stronger. Happier.

Jenna looked at her for a moment.

“What?” Penny finally asked under the scrutiny.

“You seem…different.”

She shrugged and tried to keep the guilt off her face. “I’m just excited for the future. There’s good stuff coming.”

Of that, she was certain. Until she saw the devious look on Jenna’s face. She knew her friend too well, and Penny had an idea she was going to be on the losing end of some secret scheme here real quick.

“Yes,” Jenna said happily. “Lots of good stuff is bound to happen in the future.”

Jenna had no idea how right she was. Penny’s future, at least for the next several days, involved finding out how good Sebastian the sex god could be.

Chapter Five

Penny walked through her front door and set her purse down. Flower shopping with Jenna had been fun, but with night falling, she was ready for a hot shower.

Out of nowhere¸ she was grabbed from behind. One palm covered her mouth while the other wrapped around her waist. “You should really start locking your door,” a husky voice said.

She’d recognize that voice anywhere.


“All you have to do is tell me no,” he said. His grip tightened, pressing her ass into his front. She could feel him hard against her. “Tell me no. Tell me to unhand you and leave, and I will. Otherwise—” he thrust “—you’re mine. However I want you. And it won’t be gentle.”

Between him walking away after the club and yesterday from the storage closet, she wasn’t about to let him go anywhere. Besides, her body was already on fire to find out how he’d back up all those sinful promises.

He slowly removed his hand from her mouth, allowing her to speak.

Did he think he’d scared her into saying no? Now that he was finally in her house and promising sex?

Though her nerves were a bit frazzled from the surprise of him being there, she gathered her composure and looked over her shoulder to meet his eyes. “Adding breaking and entering to your list of skills, counselor?”

He frowned. Looked like he had been thinking she’d say no.

Not today, buddy. Time to pay up or shut up. If there was one thing she knew how to do, it was provoke him. If she wanted the full experience, she’d have to push.

“I thought you were hardcore?” she said, then turned back to study her nails. “I’ll give you credit, you surprised me, but now you just stop? It looks like you’re really good at delivering empty promises.”

What could only be described as a growl came from him, and before she knew it, he clung to her waist like a vice and moved her into the kitchen.

“I’ve been warning you about that mouth.” He bent her over the kitchen table. “It’s going to get you into trouble.” He hiked up her skirt around her waist, baring her ass. A loud snap sounded and a sting of pain shot through her as his open palm came down on her ass.

She cried out. He reached forward and grabbed her chin, making her look back at him.

“That was a soft one, darlin’. You sure you still want to play this game?”

She nodded. The pain held a mix of pleasure, and it was humming through her like sparklers ignited against her skin.

“Brave girl,” he said, releasing her chin. All she could do was stand there, bent over her kitchen table, ass in the air, while he stood behind her.

She waited. Then felt the barest touch of his finger tip trace along the spot he’d just smacked.