He shook his head and focused on the brunette. That was the kind of surface woman he needed. She looked experienced and able to handle his needs in the bedroom. Needs so strong they’d evolved into a dark secret.

He loved sex, loved women, but his tastes were…not for the timid. They also weren’t long term.

He’d learned at a young age that love and companionship didn’t equal commitment. Sooner or later, someone got restless and moved on. Just like his mother had done when he was a kid. Just like Bass did with every “relationship” he had. Being the leaver was better than being left. Which was why he had a firm system: nothing lasted beyond two weeks. Besides, most women only wanted—or could handle—a single night with him. After they saw what he was like in bed, they were usually done. Satisfied, but overwhelmed. Which just about said it all, didn’t it? Even if love and commitment were for other people, they weren’t for him.

Too bad all I can think about is Penny.

No one goaded him like she did. She knew how to push his buttons and played on the very need that drove him both in and out of bed.


He swallowed down the last of his whiskey.

Stop thinking about her.

She was the last person he could ever be with. Between her overbearing older brother, who happened to be his best friend, and her innocent eyes and bright smile, she wasn’t the kind of woman who would want what Sebastian dished out.

He looked around the large club, bright lights flickering amongst the darkness, people dancing, the temperature rising to hot and humid. Usually in a suit, he was happy for the weekends when he got to wear a T-shirt and jeans.

“I thought this was your scene, Bassy?” Colt said, walking up, drinks in hand. “But I could see your frownie face all the way from across the bar.”

“Poor Bass is girl shy tonight,” Huck said, chuckling. “I think he’s PMSing.”

Great, now both of his friends were giving him shit.

Though they were being dicks, they were like his brothers. Between them, having a great job that he loved and living in a town that felt like home, he was fairly happy. This past year, however, with all the love bullshit in the air wafting from Colt and Jenna, his mood had been on the pissy side. He wished the best for his friends, but their wedding planning and happily ever after gushing only reminded him that kind of thing would never be for him. No serious woman. No long term commitment. That was too much power to give someone else. Hell, his competitive nature was what made him a great attorney. He didn’t lose because he had no fear. Nothing loved, nothing lost.


His life was best spent a couple weeks at a time with clear expectations.

“You’re giving me shit, and you’re the one having a joint bachelor party with your fiancée,” Bass said, taking the whiskey in Colt’s hand, which left Bass double-fisted, whiskey in one hand, a beer in the other.

“Hey, my fiancée is the hottest thing in here.” He glanced around. “Well, she will be when she gets here.”

“Look at him,” Huck said, laughing. “He’s like a damn puppy.”

“It’s sad really,” Bass agreed.

Colt just smiled, his stare locked on the entrance. “Ah fellas, you have no idea what you’re in for once the right woman ropes you.”

Colt didn’t give them another word, just hustled toward the entrance, and Bass saw why. Jenna was walking through, and right behind her was Lily and—

“Holy fucking Christ,” he said, his eyes falling out of his head.

Penny Diamond strutted in behind her friends, looking all kinds of deliciously fuckable.

“Oh shit,” Huck said with a wide smile, obviously looking at the same thing Bass was. “Ryder is going to piss his pants when he sees his baby sister trussed up like a—”

“Careful,” Bass warned.

Huck’s smile only grew. “I was going to say ‘hottie.’ I love Penny. I’d never say a bad word about her.”

Bass knew that. They’d all been friends for a long time.

“But I had no idea little Penny was so…curvy.” Huck’s statement made heat rise in Sebastian’s gut. A feeling like jealousy.

Yeah, little Penny was more than curvy. Her five-two frame was hoisted to a staggering five-six in those sinful stilettos. The scrap of fabric she called a skirt showcased tone legs, and the top she wore hugged her flat stomach and full breasts. She was built for a wet dream, had the face of an angel, ivory skin, pouty lips, red hair, and the greenest eyes ever created. And tonight, those gems glanced around until they finally landed on him.