“Yeah, sorry I was spacing out.” She smiled and looked at her friend, who was beaming with joy. “I’m excited to be here with you.”

“Me too. Glad you were able to get off work.”

“Rocco covered for me today since I worked yesterday,” Penny said, adjusting her purse. Jenna also had today off, so it worked out well that they could go together.

“I feel like I haven’t seen you as much,” Jenna said.

“It’s been busy. You’re planning a wedding, which understandably takes up a lot of time. But we need to hang out every chance we can before you’re barefoot and pregnant.”

Jenna smiled. “We’ll still hang out. Even when I’m Mrs. McCade.”

“I know.” But she also knew things were changing.

Jenna was amazing and deserved everything wonderful in the world. And her world was Colt. It was more than apparent that Colt’s universe was Jenna.

The idea of settling down, having a couple kids and an adoring husband, had always appealed to Penny, but that dream was a far cry from realistic these days. She was still trying to figure out sex. But the rest? The future full of laughter and kids and the PTA…that dream would have to wait, no matter how badly she ached for it.


Yeah, maybe. If she was lucky. The way things were going, she’d forever be the “wholesome” baby sister of Ryder Diamond who no one took seriously. She’d be stuck swooning over a dark eyed attorney from afar.

No, she’d be confident, she reminded herself. Once their two weeks were up, she’d know what she wanted in a man…and what she wanted in the bedroom. That was the agreement. He would teach her, their time would eventually end, and then she’d move on, ready to take control of her dating life.

“You left so quickly the other night at the club that you never told me how things went. I’m assuming that since Bass took you home you didn’t have a chance to…you know…” Jenna wiggled her eyebrows.

This was the part Penny hated. Fibbing. Jenna was one of her best friends, and she couldn’t say what had really happened that night, or yesterday in her storage cellar for that matter. But she could stick to the truth the best she could.

“I didn’t have sex.”

“So the operation still needs to be carried out,” Jenna mumbled, and Penny saw her mind working.

“You’re not plotting something are you?”

Jenna gently touched one of the white calla lily center pieces and shrugged. “Plot? Never. I just have some ideas.”

Penny sighed. “Please, no more blind dates. Besides, I don’t want to deal with Ryder being all pissy and giving me the third degree when he finds out.”

“You say that like I already have someone in mind.”

Penny raised a brow. Jenna just waved the conversation and off switched subjects. Crap, Jenna was totally going to set her up.

Before she could protest further, Penny’s phone buzzed, and she fished it out of her purse.

It was a text from Sebastian. She resisted the urge to jump up and down and giggle like a girl just asked to winter formal.

Bass: I have a craving for strawberries…

Her cheeks instantly heated. She wrote back.

Penny: Is that so?

A few seconds went by, and she stared at her phone. Jenna said something about a different vase of flowers, and Penny absently nodded.

Bass: Yes. I find it a craving I have yet to satisfy since the other day. Are you ready for your next lesson? It will require your undivided attention.

Penny: I’m a pretty studious woman. Should I have something to take notes with?

Bass: That mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble.