Bass’s eyes snapped to her movements, and a dark look came over his face. As if the attorney didn’t like that she was touching Huck. They were just friends, he knew that. But still, it made her kind of giddy that he was in tune with every move she made.

“Don’t want to talk about it.” Huck’s voice was barely a mumble.

“Men and their pride.” She shook her head.

Huck had his own reasons he didn’t get too serious with women. From what she understood, it was different than Sebastian’s reasons. But still, most men in her world, friends or not, didn’t like the commitment thing. That was up until Colt had fallen head over boots for Jenna.

“It’s not a pride thing. Shitty stuff happens sometimes, and I don’t want to get into it.”

“All right, buddy.” Ryder slapped his shoulder. “Sis, I think our boy needs a beer.”

“I’ll bring you all another round and some burgers too.” She didn’t spare Sebastian a glance as she turned and walked away. She didn’t make it past table eleven when she heard someone call out her name.

“Hi, Penny,” an unfortunately familiar voice said. It was Finn, taking a seat and pulling a laminated menu from its holder at the center of the table. “How are you?”

His smile was genuine, and he looked nice in white polo shirt and khaki pants. His hair was perfectly parted and combed, and his freshly shaved face, heck, everything about him, looked and smelled like generic shampoo. He was cute enough. Not crazy sexy in a dark way like some—rather one—man she knew. One dinner with him had let her know he was safe—too safe for her—but that had also put him in Ryder’s “approval” category for her.

“I’m good,” she said. “How about yourself?”

He nodded and threaded his fingers. “Good. I was hoping I’d see you.” A small blush laced his face. “I was also going to ask when your days off were?”

Oh crap. She gave her kindest expression while she searched for words. Her gaze darted to the table Bass sat at. She almost stumbled as she found his dark eyes already locked on her. Ryder was also looking at her, and if only he knew better, but he was giving her a not so discrete thumbs up. Thank God Finn couldn’t see. But Bass could.

“I um, my days off are kind of undetermined right now. Since I’m hosting the rehearsal dinner, I’ve been extra busy, and my schedule has been a little off.”

“Oh, okay. That makes total sense. That’s real great of you helping with the dinner. Especially with cooking like yours.”

“That’s sweet of you,” she said. Finn was a nice guy. The right kind of guy. Rather, the kind that was supposed to be right for her. Only nothing about him felt right. He had similar goals for life as her. Wanted to settle down and start a family. But there was no fire with him. She chanced a look at Sebastian again. He sat motionless, listening to whatever Huck was saying, now not sparing her a glance.

“What can I bring you to eat?” she asked, hoping to get out of the conversation and away for some space and air.

He glanced at the menu. “I’ll have the cobb salad and an iced tea, please.”

She smiled and nodded, jotting down his order. Right next to the order for burgers and beers for Bass’s table.

There was a difference between a burger and a cobb salad. For some reason, in that moment, it seemed like a big difference.

“I’ll get that going for you,” she said and took off. She wove around the bar and back to the kitchen, she put an order in for the cook to start on some burgers.

The bottled beer was getting a little low behind the counter, so she hustled through the kitchen and around back to the storage area to grab a few more cases. She’d lifted a box when the door closed behind her.

She spun to find Sebastian leaning back against the door, thumbs hooked in his leather belt, staring her down.

“What are you doing?” she breathed, tamping down the surprise.

Though his stance was casual, his eyes were intense. Every muscle in his strong body was honed, as if ready to attack.

She felt a charge humming through her body. From her breasts to her thighs and everything in between.

“I’m hungry.” His voice was deep, quick, and cut through the air, sending chills over her back.

“I put in for your burgers. They’ll be done soon.”

“No.” He pushed himself off the door and took one, two, three easy strides towards her. “I want something specific.”

He took the case of beer out of her hands and set it on the floor.

“You seem a bit wily today, darlin’.” His hands slowly wrapped around her, and in a millisecond, he untied her apron and dropped it to the floor.