No fucking way was it going to be without him.

Of course, that meant lying to his best friend. But in some sick way, he thought—hoped—that her being with him was better than whoever else she could find out there. He’d never take advantage of her innocence the way some men would. Which made him an even sicker son of a bitch, because part of him liked that she was innocent. That she was fresh and naïve, and he would be the one to tap into her wild side. To teach her.

But he figured he wouldn’t get the chance to dirty her up too bad. He had a solid plan. She’d call their secret fling off the moment he slapped her ass or pulled out the cuffs. Of that he was certain.

“How was the meeting?” he asked, sliding into the booth across from Ryder.

Ryder adjusted his worn Stetson and put his forearms on the table. “It was all right. They liked my bid, liked my business, but I guess it’s between Diamond Construction and another company. They’ll let me know next week. If we can land this, we’d be set for the year.”

Bass nodded. Ryder had built and owned his own construction and land development company. Several years back, Huck had bought a stake in the business and become a co-owner. But he left the negotiations to Ryder, preferring to swing hammers over talking business. Their group was close and always supported each other. They were the one thing he held sacred.

Which was why he knew he was fucking around with fire when it came to Penny. He was putting the few things he cared about in jeopardy. His trust with Ryder. The dynamic of their entire group of friends. His strictly platonic—up until recently—friendship with Penny.

Maybe he’d been too hasty. He’d dropped her off last night, alone, because he had to think. Hardest thing he’d ever done was decline an invitation inside her home. But now, in the light of day, staring at Ryder, he was glad he hadn’t crossed all the lines yet.

Maybe he should call her up, talk to her and try to talk her out of this mission of sex or whatever the hell kick she was on. End this before he actually did all the things he’d said he would do.

Yes, that was smart.

“Afternoon, boys,” a musical voice rang out. He looked up to find the most beautiful woman staring down at him, holding two long neck beers.

“Hey sis,” Ryder said.

“Why are you here?” Sebastian asked before he could catch himself.

Both Ryder and Penny looked at him with surprise. Jesus, where were his manners, let alone charm? He might not be like Huck and Colt with the country boy swagger, but he held his own. Especially with the ladies.

“Forgive me, darlin’,” he said. “I just thought today was your day off.”

“Yeah,” Ryder said. “Especially if you had a late night last night, you should be resting. Was the party fun?”

Penny shot a glance at him and placed the beers on the table. Leaning over just enough to give a peek of that incredible cleavage concealed by a tight black tank top. He stifled a groan. What had he been thinking again? Oh, right, calling it off with Penny.

The smart thing, he reminded himself.

He looked her over. All that red hair was piled on top of her head, little strands hanging down to frame her face. He examined all the alabaster skin from her back to her chest, then down to her legs, which were barely concealed in a pair of cutoffs and a short apron. Every curve was on display, every inch of perfection.

Shit. Calling it off was going to be a problem when all he could think of was how the crook between her neck and shoulder tasted. Did the shimmer on her lips taste like strawberries?

He’d bet his salary they did.

“It was okay,” she shrugged, placing one hand on the table and the other on her hip. “And I wasn’t out that late. Bass here gave me a ride home.”

Ryder shot a look at him. “I thought everyone was going to stay the night in the city.”

“Yeah, I thought the same thing,” she said, smiling at Sebastian. “Staying the night would have been fun.”

That time he didn’t miss the sugary sweet challenge in her voice. Looked like she was pissed he had left her. He wasn’t any happier about it either, but he’d had to gather himself.

Now, staring down the gorgeous woman with the afternoon sun bleeding through the windows and haloing her like a damn angel, he had a hard time not kicking his own ass for passing up an entire night with her.


Fuck calling it off. He had to surround himself by all that sweet skin. Bury himself so deep into that sexy body neither of them could breathe. And what better way to prepare her for what was to come than to meet her challenge right now?

“Staying the night wasn’t a good idea,” he said, looking her straight in the eye. “And what do you mean last night was okay? You looked to be enjoying yourself to me.”

She licked her lips, and damn if he didn’t love this. This silent waging of wills. A secret competition.