Gage smiled and looked her up and down. “Well your husband is a lucky son of a bitch then.”

“He’s pretty romantic,” she admitted.

“And how long have you been married?”

“About an hour.”

He nodded. “You know, if you sneak off with me, tell me about some of these talents of yours, I promise to make it worth your while.”

She tapped her chin and glanced at the ceiling. He followed her stare—she was looking at the indoor balcony above. “Well, it’d be better to demonstrate than a visual. Although keeping eye contact is key.”

His cock stirred as he pictured that eye contact while she was on her knees before him, taking his cock deep into her throat.

“Well, I’m a fair player, sweetheart. All about reciprocation.”

“Oh? You have talents too?”

He nodded. “Yes, I do. You lead the way to a quiet corner and I’d be happy to show you.”

She eyed him for a moment. Then the ring on his left hand.

“I see you’re married, too. What would your wife say about all these naughty things you’re alluding to?”

“Oh, she doesn’t have patience for me alluding to anything. I have to put up or shut up.”

“Sounds like a smart woman.”

“She is.”

“Well, either that or she just can’t keep her hands off you.”

“I have to admit, I can’t keep my hands off her either.”

She turned and walked off without another word. He shot to his feet and followed her. Keeping her lace train in sight, he wound around the back, to the private stairwell—

He grabbed her hand, spun her around, pinned her against the wall, and crashed his mouth down on hers.

She smiled and kissed him back. “We didn’t even make it upstairs this time,” she breathed as she tugged on his tux.

“I’m surprised we made it out of the public eye.” He lifted her dress.

She wrapped her arms around him. This was right where he needed to be. Home, in Chloe’s arms. Because she was the fantasy and the reality, and he wanted equal helpings of both.

“We have to make it quick.” She fumbled his pants open. “People will notice we’re missing, being the bride and groom and all.”

“You know how I feel about quickies.” He positioned his cock at her core and growled. “No panties? Careful or I may assume you were luring me this whole time, sweetheart.”

“I kind of was,” she whispered against his mouth.

Which was fine by him. He’d be happy to be lured by her anytime, because she’d always bring him back home.

He thrust inside of her, instantly wrapped up in his own personal fantasy. And he couldn’t be happier.

He kissed her neck. “I love you, Chloe.”

“I love you, too.”