She loved him.

He’d come through for her. Helped her accomplish what she wanted to do. Gave her space to be her own person. She had to do the same back for him.

Natalie nudged her shoulder toward the stage. “Good luck.” Her friend looked beautiful in her dress. While the event was casual, a lot of people had busted out button-ups and cocktail dresses for the occasion. The twinkly lights were strung high and lit up the whole place with soft yellows and creams.

“I don’t know what to say,” she admitted.

“Thank everyone for coming and say whatever feels right.”

Great, that shouldn’t be too tough. Yeah, right.

With a heavy chest, she walked to the small stage. The band slowed the music and eventually stopped when she smiled at them and stepped in front of the mic.

People gathered around, all eyes fused on her.

“Thank you everyone for coming,” she said. Her anxiety kicked up a notch as she looked around the room of smiling faces. “My mother would be so happy. She loved this town. Loved all of you.”

The words stuck in her throat. She took a deep breath, then continued. “Funny thing about love…it’s amazing. And scary as hell.”

Everyone laughed, and she felt the urge to tell them how serious she was. She glanced at the French doors near the back and saw him. Gage.

He stepped from the shadows and smiled at her. Looking at her, seeing her, simply being there for her.

Her breath caught, and her heart stalled.

“Love is really scary,” she said softer into the mic, keeping her eyes on Gage. “Because love is a risk. You put everything you have into something, like my mother did with this place.” She glanced around quickly. “She put her heart and soul into this place because she believed in it. Because she wanted roots and a home. It was a risk, but she took it. She knew if it didn’t work that it’d break her heart, but she loved it too much not to take the chance.”

She swallowed hard and locked her gaze back on Gage. He slowly moved through the crowd, and those dark eyes of his never left her face.

“This whole time I’ve been scared,” she said. “I was so focused on the fear of the risk, but nothing good in life is easy, especially love. It’s what drives us. And I’m going to let go of the wheel and hope I stay on the road. But if I get lost…” She folded her lips, and the sting in her heart rose as she spoke to the one man she’d ever loved. “I have faith I won’t be lost for long. Because there’s someone who will come find me.”

Gage’s dark gaze fused to hers. He nodded with that soft, sexy smile.

Everyone clapped, and Chloe blinked. There were tons of people in the room, but all she saw was Gage.

“Thank you all.” The band started up again, and everyone began chatting and dancing. Chloe hustled down the stage and made a beeline for the man she’d hoped would come find her.

She didn’t stop until she flung herself into his arms.

Chloe clutched him close. “You shocked me.”

“I know. I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”

“But you came back.”

“I told you I would.” He cupped her face and kissed her.

“But I pushed you away, too. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“You’re going to have to push a lot harder, sweetheart.” He ran his nose against hers. “I’m sorry, too. It wasn’t fair to make you worry and ask you to wait for me. If you put yourself in danger, I’d tie you down and refuse to let you go.”

She raised a brow, kind of liking the sound of that, but Gage was trying to see things from her perspective.

“I understand now,” he said. “I want to be with you. Stay with you. I want to be a part of your world—that’s all I’ve wanted this whole time. But I got scared about losing my purpose.”

She faced him and looked deep into those dark eyes. He was being honest, and like it or not, she had to return the favor.

“Baby, I know what your purpose is,” she said. “And I’m never going to keep you from it. You’re here until you get called again because you need to help people. You need to save them.”