No…you’ve been honest. Haven’t over-committed to anything.

He wanted her for the time he was there to see where it went. But now the follow-through was getting slippery. He’d gotten a glimpse of the real Chloe the other night. And yet…

“Look, I don’t know what your deal is, but staying isn’t so bad,” East said. “Having some roots and a nice girl to come home to sounds great to me.”

Gage snorted. “Says the town playboy.”

“Why do you think I stay? There’re a lot of pretty women around these parts.” He winked. But Gage didn’t miss the way East shot a glance to the chatting brunette in glasses across the bonfire.

Despite his best intentions, Gage knew one thing still to be true: he was capable of committing to a woman, but not a place. But between their sexy mock search and rescue and her inviting him to her restaurant, he had to hope he was gaining ground.

Chloe finally tossed him a smile, then quickly glanced away. So he was in her mind. He was in her thoughts. And if the way she’d begun to open up to him was any indication, he was close to being in her heart.

That was enough to work with.

There had to be a way to have Chloe and freedom.

“Hottie McSearchy keeps staring at you,” Natalie said to Chloe.

Michelle leaned into the huddle they had going on and peered over the fire. “Which one is he?”

“He’s the one in the black T-shirt with the black hair and black eyes,” Natalie said. “Basically, he’s the tall, dark and buff one.”

“Thanks, Nat,” Chloe mumbled and sipped her beer.

East’s summer bonfires were casual and frequent, and Chloe hadn’t expected to see Gage. But…she was kind of happy to see him. The last couple of days since their date had left her thinking about a lot of things she shouldn’t. She was trying to focus on preparing for the anniversary event, yet her mind always drifted back to Gage.

How he made her feel safe whenever he held her. How he mastered the art of being intense and casual all at the same time. How he made her think…made her want. Yeah, Gage made her want a whole hell of a lot. Like more. Not that she’d ever really admit that to him, or herself even.

“And who is that?” Michelle pointed at the guy next to him.

“Easton Ambrose,” Natalie said with a huff. “He’s annoying.”

“And handsome,” Michelle said.

Natalie’s head snapped up, almost like she cared. Interesting. It was no secret East had a reputation with the ladies, and Natalie had…her cupcakes.

“Well now that we’ve addressed everyone’s staring problem…” Chloe nudged Natalie’s shoulder.

“Hey, as far as I can tell, the guy drooling at you from the other side of that inferno is the one with the problem,” Natalie said.

Yeah, Chloe was aware of that problem, because she was having some herself. Like thinking too much about him. Which needed to stop. Though the other night had been more real than any she’d ever spent with another man, and her dress had stayed on the whole time. Their date hadn’t been a fantasy. It’d been…normal. Like a relationship. And she’d actually liked his company.

She shook her head and tried to get her thoughts clear.

Keep it fantasy, not reality.

“Oh no…” Michelle said softly as a big fat raindrop beaded Chloe’s hair.

There was little more warning than that. The clouds unleashed gallons over all of them and beat down on the fire, sending everyone scattering to their cars or inside East’s house.

“I was going to take off anyway,” Natalie said loudly, unconcerned about the rain.

Michelle ran up to them, the poor girl’s perfect hair now a soggy mess. “Can I get a ride with you?” Michelle asked, and Natalie nodded. Chloe tossed her empty beer bottle onto the extinguished fire and headed for the car.

“Not afraid of the rain?” Gage asked from behind her. He held up his jacket like an umbrella and covered her head with it.

“It’s water. Nothing scary,” she said.