Gage’s eyes widened. Christ, when East said it like that, it sounded terrible. All he was trying to do was gather information and get the best outcome possible. “It’s not like that…”

East adjusted his pack on his shoulder. “You know there’s another way to go about this.”

Gage lifted a brow in question.

“You could be the one to adjust. Take a training job—which you’re good at—and stay. Prove to Chloe you want her whether you’re hanging out here or not.”

Gage frowned. “Are you seriously back to that already?”

“Judging by your grumpy face, I’m assuming you’ll think about it,” East said lightheartedly. “But in the meantime, use what you have to your advantage.”

“What do you mean?”

East shrugged. “You want to know Chloe more? Then use what you already know. Get her to break by playing on her weaknesses. It’s no secret she has a thing for guys in camo.”

Camo? Come to think of it, she did give him extra-long glances whenever he was donning his gear…

“Are you saying I should parade myself in front of her like a damn pageant queen?”

“Depends on how badly you want her.”

Gage shook his head. East did have a point: Chloe was no stranger to adjusting the rules of this game to benefit her. Why shouldn’t he do the same? He’d use what he had to his advantage.

“Why are you helping me out?” Gage asked.

“Because,” East said, “I think you and Chloe are great and terrible for each other. If your plan works, great. If not, you’re going to be knocked on your ass, and I’m not going to miss an opportunity to say I told you so when she hands you your nuts.”

“Noted,” Gage grumbled. But this was the best plan he had at the moment.

“By the way,” East said, finally checking his text message. “Our mock victim canceled. He has the flu.”

Shit. Gage checked his watch. He had one hour to get into position before the men showed up to start their mission. Where was he going to find a new mock victim on such short—

This was either the best or worst idea he’d had yet.

“I’ll take care of the victim,” he said. “But we have to get going.”

And he was now going to be staying in his camo for longer than he’d thought.

Chloe sighed and walked around the entrance to the state park where Gage had texted her to meet him. All he’d said was: This is not a dinner date. Wear jeans, tennis shoes, and long sleeves.

She had half a mind to tell him to take his “non-date” into the mountains and make sure it was never found, but then again, she needed a day off from the stress of preparing the restaurant. What better way to spend it than jean clad and tem

pting the S&R expert who’d been featured in her fantasies last night?

Hopefully he was finally starting to see reason. The other night, he’d left her wanting more of him. She might have been naked on a table, but he’d cleaned up nicely with his button-up shirt and clean-shaven face. He was hot, and he’d come over ready to take her out. Part of her felt slightly guilty at her deception, but that dwindled when she remembered how well he’d eaten her…dessert.

“Gage?” she called out. The trees to her left rustled, and she spun. Something emerged from the thick canopy of shadows, and she stepped back and gasped.

Gage was in camo pants and a tight green T-shirt, and his face had war paint streaked across it. A massive knife was strapped to his thigh. Complete with a butch black watch and backpack, he looked like GI Joe come to life.

Yes, please.

She liked the way he cleaned up, but honestly, she loved the dirty, dangerous side of him even more. He was all man, muscle, and…

He pulled a small daisy from behind his back and handed it to her with a wink.
