“What do you mean?”

“I had a lovely chat with Mr. Powell today. Wanted to thank him on behalf of the company for meeting with us.”

My stomach lurched.

“I also thought he should know that one of his employees lies about rape, and was using him for professional gain. Perhaps not someone to trust, much less continue to employ.”

“I didn’t lie,” I said, the words shredding my throat.

“I’m not the one you have to convince of that anymore. But Jack seemed a bit upset when he learned that you stood to take over his account if he signed with Case-VanBuren.”

“My father offered that to me, and I declined. I only wanted Brock gone.”

“Yes, well, good luck with that endeavor. But you’d be wise to keep your mouth shut about my son.” She hit me with a glare. “Have a good day, dear.”

With that, she left, and my stomach dropped to the floor. I had to get to Jack.


I raced into Jack’s office, bypassing his secretary, and barged in. He sat behind his desk, everything about him calm, aside from the look in his eyes.

“You just missed your father and step-brother,” he said.

“Jack, I have to talk to you. Anita VanBuren came by, and said—”

“Yes, she had plenty to say earlier today.”

I stepped toward him, and he stood, walking around his desk to face me.

“I can explain,” I started.

“Oh? Then please do. And start by telling me that you didn’t just lie to my face.”

“I told the truth, just evaded some details.”

His eyes narrowed. “And which details are those? How about the one where you were going to work for your father’s company, handling my assets, if you landed me as a client?”

“My father offered me that, but he lied. I didn’t accept it anyway.”

“But you pushed for this meeting.”

“Because it was the only way to get rid of Brock. Someone has broken into my home, my car, slashed my tires—”

“And it’s Brock?”

“I think so. I’m not certain, though.”

“What about the rest?” he growled and stepped toward me.

“The rest what?” I whispered, looking down. I knew what he meant, but I hoped to God he wouldn’t make me say it.

“You said you were raped.” The word had a power that stung. “Who did it?”

I shook my head.

“Tell me, Lana. Tell me what that woman said to me isn’t true. Tell me you didn’t have me sit down and talk business with the man that violated you!”

Tears gathered, and all I could do was stare at the floor.