“I went to bed with this warm woman, and woke up to a cold, empty bed. I don’t like that.”

“Forgive me,” I said, and shimmied a little with my walk toward him. “I didn’t mean to displease you.”

“Where did you go?”

“Harper texted to let me know she made it to Aspen, and my dad called several times.”

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, Harper’s just taking a week vacation. My dad actually keeps talking to me about you.” I wiggled my eyebrows.

“He’s not my type.”

“Oh, my God!” I put my hand to my chest in mock surprise. “Did you…did you just make a joke?”

“No, that can’t be right.”

I nodded and smiled wide. “You totally just made a joke!”

I hopped on the bed and pinched his side, getting a smile to come out. “And you’re ticklish! This is the best day ever.”

“Damn it, woman, you’ve gotten through my defenses,” he said with a chuckle, and finally won the battle, pinning me down with all his delicious weight on top of me.

With the morning sun coming through the windows I couldn’t help but get lost in Jack’s handsome face. He seemed lighter today. Last night, we’d shared something. An honest exchange of trust, and he looked happier.

“You were saying?” he asked. “About your dad?”

“Oh, right.”

My stomach hurt just bringing this up, but it was the best way to get over this issue. I wasn’t going to lie to Jack. I just wasn’t going to tell him the details about the possibility that Brock was stalking me and wrecking my stuff, leaving me in a state of panic and terror.

“He wants me to try to convince you to meet with him and his company about investing.”

“That so?”

I nodded.

He looked at me for a long moment, then finally, a playful grin split his face. “And how would you go about convincing me?”

I raised a brow and shrugged. “Well, several things crossed my mind. The first of which was oral persuasion.”

“I’m listening,” he said.

“Then, I don’t know, present the best possible outcome.” I shifted my hips. Sliding my center along his hardening cock.

“You seem to make a good case.” He kissed me quickly, then with seriousness asked, “Is it important to you? That I meet with them?”

The way he asked me that tugged on my heart. Was it important to me? It was important that Brock moved back to New York, and stayed far away. But I didn’t care about my father’s business. I was beyond hoping that would ever work out with me in the future. I was actually excited about grad school, and looking at the world from a different angle. An angle free from the past and all the negativity that went with it. But first, Brock needed to go away.

“I would really appreciate it. I know they’re a smaller company, but if you just had one meeting, I would be grateful.”


“That’s it?”

“Is there something else you’d prefer me to say?”

“I just thought that would come across weird or…”