He took another step. His voice softened an octave. “I like your eyes on me.”

That one statement was stripped of the dark tone that usually marred his words and warmed my soul. He gave off a glimpse of his softer side. A side he said he didn’t have. But I’d seen it. Felt it.

He’d considered my wellbeing, feelings, and comfort from moment one. It was why I held on. Why I let him push my limits, like now. Trying new things, especially with sex, should be terrifying. But Jack was with me. Would guide me. His rough words brought strength to my self-esteem, and whenever old habits of doubt and insecurity crept in, he was there to bat them away.

Yes, there was a raw softness to him. A protective instinct he had that I picked up on. I just had to concentrate to see it.

“You can look. But I still told you to do something. I expect you to do it. Unless,” he held his arm out and motioned to the door, “you’d like to leave and we end this now.”

I shook my head quickly.

He crossed his arms over his chest, biceps bulging, and stomach flexing like he was some Greek god.

“Then,” he said slowly, his gaze raking over me, “undress.”

Taking a deep breath, I stepped out of my heels, my bare feet hitting the cool hardwood.

His eyes watched me intently. “You’re a tiny thing.”

He took another step, and I realized that Jack was just about a whole foot taller than me. Something he realized as well. But tiny? No. I had wider hips, fuller breasts and bottom, and they weren’t perfectly toned like the model at the bar slinging drinks or like his assistant.

And I was about to show all my flaws and shortcomings to a man who was likely used to such model types.

“Go on,” he said, coaxed.

There was a hint of gentleness that boosted my esteem just enough to reach behind me, unzip the back of my dress, and slide the straps down my arms.

“Keep your eyes on me,” he said, when I caught the fabric around my breasts.

I did. The dress fell to the floor and pooled at my feet.

His chest rose on a heavy breath, and his gaze ate me up. He looked from my feet to my chin, lingering on the triangle of white lace between my thighs and my matching bra. Thank goodness I’d went with the demi-cup. It shelved my breasts in a flattering way. Hopefully, I could keep it on.

While most may think a D cup was “awesome,” it wasn’t. My shoulders and waist were narrow, so keeping up with the weight of my chest was difficult, and standing without a bra, I worried the appeal would be lost.

I considered grabbing my dress and yanking it back up, but when I noticed Jack’s eyes not only staying on me, but the bulge in his shorts growing, I pushed back the insecurity and tried to keep the hard proof in view that he liked what he was seeing. At least I thought so, since the hard proof was getting harder.

He unfolded his arms. “The rest. Off. Now.”

Glancing down the front of me, I unclasped my bra. It was now or never. I shucked it quickly, then tore down my panties, stepped away from the heap of my clothes, and closed my eyes.

There. Done.

I was naked. Standing in plain view.

He cupped my neck and my eyes fluttered open to find him staring down at me. He was so much bigger than me in every way, and I felt engulfed by his presence.

“You know what I love the most about your body?”

I bit my lip and shook my head. Words were not coming out, due to my nerves taking all my brain power to keep under control.

“This…” He ran his big hands from my neck, down to my breasts, cupping them slightly only to encase my ribs. I thought he was going to lift me up, but his palms kept sliding down my sides. From my ribs, to my stomach, to my hips and finally, my outer thighs. “I’ve never seen a more beautiful curve of a woman in my life.”

His voice was hoarse and it instilled a kind of confidence that was drugging.

He saw me. And made me feel, not only beautiful, but unique.

“Thank you,” I whispered. “I’ve never seen a man like you.”