I positioned him at my entrance, then sank down, slowly. The feel of him, all of him, was incredible. There were no barriers between us. Just our world, there inside a tub, surrounded only by hot water and each other’s skin.

“You’re perfect,” he said, kissing my breasts like he would my mouth. He tasted my skin, and his hands explored, as if trying to feel every inch of me while I slowly rose, then sank down again.

I could tell he was fighting the urge to hug me tight, pull me close and take over, but he let me lead. Trusted me enough to let go of a little of his control.

I took him as far as I could. All the way to the hilt and stopped there. He cupped my neck and rained kisses over my mouth, my face, and my breasts. I’d never felt so…


He didn’t say it. But the way he held me, was like he was silently worshiping my body, my whole being, and it brought tears to my eyes. I didn’t want to rise up and pull away. I wanted to stay right there, with him deep.

So, that’s what I did. I rocked back and forth, slowly circling my hips in his lap, but refusing to pull away. He hit every nerve ending deep inside, and I clung to him as I grinded harder. Wanting more.

“Baby, I’m there.”

“Me too.”

Fire built low in my belly, and I wrapped my arms around him and kissed the top of his head as my release took me over, my body gently shaking and convulsing.

He hugged me back, wrapping me up in those strong arms, his mouth at my breast as he trembled with his own release. I felt him, hot and strong, coming inside me. It was so powerful, it made my already sensitive body light up with another round of tremors.

Jack seemed to have felt it, because he sucked my nipple deeper, eating at my skin until there was not even a breath of space between us.

There was nowhere to go. Nowhere I wanted to go. Because right there, in Jack’s arms, was the only world I wanted to be a part of.

Chapter Nineteen

A low buzzing noise woke me from my sleep. A wonderful sleep spent in Jack’s arms. I slowly got up, careful not to wake him. My phone was going nuts on the bedside table. It was seven in the morning on Saturday, and already I had nine missed calls and several texts. One from Harper, letting me know she made it to Aspen, the rest from my father.

Putting on my shirt and pants, I walked downstairs, leaving Jack sleeping in bed, and called my father back.

“There you are!” he said, with happiness in his voice.

“What is it? Is there an emergency?”

“No, not really…” he did that sigh thing I was starting to hate so much. “I drove by your place last night and saw your car out front.”

“Really?” That awful feeling I’d been having? Just doubled. My fa

ther never sought me out like this. Much less randomly drove by my house. This seemed convenient. Too convenient. But would my father stoop to this kind of level? I’d expect creepy behavior like this from Brock, but my dad?

The world felt like it was spinning faster, and I couldn’t gain footing. Playing on my fear would be a new low for my dad, but just the fact that I questioned him, thought of him as a foe before a friend, broke a final piece of my heart and hope that things could ever be different between us.

“Yes, everything okay? Do you need some new tires?” he asked.

“You’re offering to buy me tires?”

“I worry about you.”

That was the last thing I wanted to hear from him. He hadn’t worried when I needed him to. This was all a ploy.

I was making headway with Jack, at least, I thought so. Sure, he hadn’t said he loved me back, but I was determined to continue to move forward. I needed to handle my life to prove to myself that fear would not dictate my world.

I couldn’t deal with my dad, and I couldn’t be in the same city as Brock. Maybe I was being paranoid about my father possibly having a hand in this, but I’d never wished for anything as hard in my life as I did in that moment: Please just let Brock go back to New York.

“Funny, you stop by my house the night my tires are slashed.”

“Lana, I need to be honest with you.”