“Maybe you’re right.” Maybe I was just being paranoid because Brock was so close and I knew it. I also knew things with my dad and the company were not going super great. But I still couldn’t shake this feeling that someone was messing with me on purpose. Subtly leaving a trail that I wasn’t invisible and I was on their radar.

“I’m sorry, I’m not trying to discredit your feelings,” Harper said, and took out a pot to boil water for dinner. “Have you noticed anyone snooping around? Brock hasn’t shown up anywhere near you, right?”

“Only by accident, it would seem.”

“Maybe that’s it. He’s in the same city now, works for your dad for Christ sake. Maybe it’s that feeling like you could bump into him at any moment, and your lack of control in the situation is making you nervous.”

That did make sense. “Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.”

“I’ll just pay better attention to things,” I said softly. This kind of unease could drive a person crazy. “Why can’t he just go back to where he came from?”

Harper shrugged. “Hopefully, he will. Your dad only needs him here until they land a new client, right?”

“Yeah.” Could I last that long? Already, my mind was playing tricks on me, making me feel increasingly worried and scared. I hated this so much. It was the same terror that I had battled as a kid. Lying in bed and waiting. Wondering if he was going to sneak into my room again. Wondering if he’d show up out of nowhere and wreck my life. Just waiting to be destroyed.

I felt instantly sick. It was the shadows, not the darkness, that terrified me. Because you never knew what or when such things would emerge.

There was one thing I could do to speed Brock’s departure from Denver along. But that involved setting Jack up with my father’s company and giving in to the notion that I was letting myself be used. And using Jack for my own gain. Which I’d never do.

I just wanted Brock gone.

I was tired of second-guessing everything in my life, waiting for the bad stuff to happen.

“How can I help?” I asked Harper, and headed into the kitchen, determined to get these thoughts out of my mind.

“You want to cut up some veggies for the salad?”

“Sure.” I got all the stuff from the fridge and started putting together the salad on the bar, while Harper manned the pasta and sauce at the stove.

“Aren’t you leaving for your week off tonight?”

“Yeah, I was going to pack and eat, then take off. I’m excited to get away from this town for a bit.”

I nodded.

“So, how are things going with Jack?” she asked.

“Good,” I said. “I feel like a teenager most of time, all giggly and checking my phone to see if he called.”

Harper nodded. “Yeah, the honeymoon stage is the best. You seem happier.”

“I am. This last week has been different. Like we finally opened up enough to each other and are moving forward together.”

“Wow, sounds like you’re getting serious about the boss man.” She smiled.

I nodded, and the truth hit me. I froze mid-cut into a carrot. “I thin

k I’m falling in love with him.”

Harper faced me. “Be careful.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Because a man like Jack doesn’t look like the long term kind.”

“You don’t even know him.”

“I know his type.”