“However much more you want of me,” I said breathlessly.

“Is that right?” he rasped in my ear, his fingers scratching from my thigh, up my stomach, leaving soft pink streaks in their wake. He walked around to face me once more, his dark eyes looking at the trail he’d left, seeming pleased.

I thought he’d touch me again—hoped he would. So much that my back arched of its own accord, pushing my breasts out, silently begging. He took off his jacket in a hard swoop, then started on his shirt.

“Go to the bed and bend over. I want your stomach flat against the mattress and your arms stretched out.”

I did as he said, trying not to shudder too badly. This was a vulnerable position. But Jack had seen me in vulnerable positions before.

Deep breath…

I bent over, the cold sheets hitting my breasts and stomach, as I laid my upper half flat and reached out overhead. The feel of the soft sheets against my palms was somehow a welcome comfort. I’d been on these sheets before. This bed. A heady notion that I belonged there pricked my mind and flooded my veins. As if laying out over my own bed, only better, because Jack was there.

He kicked my feet apart, and I moaned a little. Mostly in nervousness, because I was on display. For him. How he wanted.

“I like this view,” he said, and I felt him stand between my legs. His pants were still on, but his erection was pressing against my bottom. As soon as he came, he went. I could no longer feel him, but knew he was behind me.

“You are to stay just like that until I say otherwise. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” I said, the side of my face resting against the soft sheets.

A whirl of wind sounded, followed by a smack on my ass. A sizzle from the spank instantly surged and lit my blood on fire. I cried out.

It stung, but the heat spread quickly, and I was surprised to find that it felt…good.

“I told you I was going to punish this sweet ass of yours. You belong to me now. I make the rules, set the pace, don’t I?”


“And what did you do last time in this bed?”

“I tried to take over.”

He spanked my ass again, this time on the other cheek. I held my breath and clenched the sheets in my fists.

“Give me a number,” he growled, and spanked again.

“Nine,” I moaned. “Nine, hot.” Because I was. So incredibly hot and so ready for him.

He may be exercising his will, his needs, but he was also considering mine. Because he didn’t confine me. Didn’t force me to do anything. He didn’t even touch or hover over me. He spanked me. A fast whip of his hand was all the touch I got. But I was free. Could get away if I wanted. Run. Hide. Scream.

But I didn’t want any of that. I wanted him. He made me feel alive. Feel like I could handle not only myself, but this situation and him. However he’d give himself to me. I wasn’t scared the way I had been. Because in the past, I was restrained, used, terrified.

Not now. It was as if he understood an unsaid part of me. Everything, from how he spoke to how he positioned me, was calculated for my pleasure, as well as his.

“How do you do this?” he asked with a gravelly tone, palming my sensitive ass. His hands felt cold against the heated flesh. “How do you look so fucking perfect? Smooth skin reddened with my hand. Like a naughty girl. But so innocent at the same time.”

He bent over me and bit my shoulder. At some point, he’d shucked his pants, because I felt his hard cock slide against the back of my thigh. The sound of latex crinkling. He was hard and ready.

Clamping the back of my knee, he bent it and placed it on the bed, then the other, scooting me forward until I was on top of the bed completely. I was still laying on my front, my face against the mattress, only now, my ass was in the air and Jack probed my opening.

“What kind of woman are you right now?”

I considered his words for a moment. What kind of woman was I? What kind of woman did he bring out in me? So many sides I could barely count them. He made me feel innocent, yet naughty. Passionate, but shy at times. Only one answered made sense: “Yours.”

That was the only kind of woman I wanted to be.

He seemed to like that answer. He thrust hard inside of me, rocking me forward, my cheek sliding against the sheets. I kept my arms outstretched, and gripped the top cover as he withdrew and returned with another punishing thrust.