“However, we are not at my home yet, and I’m curious, if this moment were in your hands, your control, what would you do?”

My mind wanted to shout, “Everything!” and instead, I tried to tamp down my excitement about this small gift he was giving me. Or maybe it was a test? Either way, I wanted to take it.

“I guess I would—”

“No,” he snapped quickly. “I asked what you’d do, not how you’d explain it to me.”

A surge of heat raced up my spine. He was giving me free rein to show him what I’d do? In this moment? There was only one thing I could think of, and that was get closer.

Without saying anything, I moved toward him, slinging my leg over his lap, straddling him, and placing my hand on his chest, which rose on a heavy breath. I felt him hard between my legs, and looked down in shock. He flicked my chin once more to make my eyes meet his.

His voice was raspy. “I haven’t reached out since our phone call, not because I’m not thinking of you or I don’t want to.” He shifted his hips just a fraction beneath me, to slide against the sensitive spot between my legs, and I gasped a little. “It’s because I want you.” His eyes stormed darker. “Badly. All the time. Without provocation or reason.”

He wanted me. All the time. I’d been shocked that we hadn’t even touched and he was already hard…for me. I was now beyond happy that my yoga pants were made of thin material, because it just made me feel him more.

“If you want me like you say,” the challenge rising, but my tone staying soft, “then why not take me? Why wait? Why not call? Come by sooner?”

He thrust a little and said, “Control. You needed to heal from our last encounter.”

“You didn’t break me.”

“Maybe not, but I felt you.” He reached between us and ran his thumb along my center. “Felt how tight you were. I know you needed time. While I pride myself in control, I couldn’t last longer than a day, so I hope you’re ready.”

I nodded and ran my hands from his chest to his neck. “I am.”

I leaned forward, showing him what I’d do in this moment, and brushed my lips against his. A raspy groan came from deep in his throat, and his hands splayed over my backside, securing me to him, but he let me lead.

Parting my lips, I kissed his bottom one, then the top one. Exploring, learning, getting to know him at a slow pace. I didn’t get a chance to touch him like this the other night—aside from clawing. This was my chance to be the one thing Jack said he wasn’t: Soft.

Though he held me close, he didn’t give me an inch. He made me work for his affection. I didn’t know what to do or how an “experienced woman” would go about seducing a man, so I went with what felt natural and what I wanted. Which was more of him.

A flash of boldness lit me up. He was allowing me access to him. I would take it.

I cupped his face. The soft scratch of his five o’clock shadow tickled my palms. I’d never touched his face before, we both knew it. I leaned back a little, the tips of our noses touching, and ran my thumbs along his cheekbones, then down to his mouth.

He caught my thumb between his teeth, and I gasped, loving the sting and the surprise of his bite. More than that, I was excited about his participation. I was wearing him down.

With my thumb locked between his teeth, I pushed down, he let me, his mouth opening just enough for me to swoop in, push my tongue inside, and kiss him hard.

That time, he really groaned. He sat up straighter, pulling me closer, and I wrapped my legs around his back and drove my fingers into his hair. I kissed him deep, but slow. Giving every sensation of his mouth on mine an extra second to sink in. I wanted to brand this to memory.

Trailing my lips from his, I kissed the corner of his mouth, then his jaw, the stubble scratching my lips in the most delicious way. So, I did it again, and again, moving up his jaw to his earlobe.

The grip on my ass tightened further. Did he like this? Like the attention I was giving him? I sucked his earlobe, and yeah, he liked it. His hips jutted out to hit my sweet spot again. It felt good, but not as good as the idea that I was pleasing him.

My time was running out. He was letting me touch him, kiss him like this, but once we made it to his place, this would be over, and I would be at his mercy.

I fumbled with the buttons on his shirt, opening them as I tasted his neck, and felt his pulse beat against my mouth. Finally getting his shirt open, I scooted back on his lap so that I could bend enough to nip at his collarbone and lick the hollow of his throat.

His head didn’t loll back the way mine would have, but he moved slightly, spurring me enough to keep going.

Running my mouth along his hard chest, I couldn’t help but nip a little. His whole body tensed, his abs flexing. Even sitting, I could see his well-honed muscles cutting through his tan skin, and it made me want to devour him even more. But I hadn’t gotten there yet.

Taking a few more open-mouthed kisses of his chest, I grabbed his belt in my hands, and sucked on his nipple.

“Fuck,” he groaned, and thrust up again, as if his cock was seeking my hands.

I flicked the little bud and sucked again, then trailed my tongue along the first flank of his six pack, but that was as low as I could go without scooting further back and falling off his lap.