“I have no intention of saying such a word. Actually, I was wondering what these plans could be?”

“Well, that depends. Did you anger your mystery man?”

“Of course not.”

“You sure about that?”

The way he said it made wonder if I had. “I’m pretty sure.”

“You weren’t impatient? Impulsive? Exercised what you wanted over him?”

I thought back to last night and yes, that is what I had done. But he’d sent me flowers, which was a nice gesture. He’d said I had to be handled delicately. Weaving in the nice with the naughty, so as not to scare me off. Was that what was happening?

“He’s l

ikes control,” I said in a hushed tone. “He was doing things to me…making me feel things…I may have—”

“If I were you, I’d wonder what exactly this man of yours is going to do to you for being such a bad girl.”

I swallowed hard. “W-what do you think he’s going to do?” This was speeding up pretty quickly, and so was my pulse. I was already aching to touch Jack and nervous from the wicked glint in his voice.

“Smart money would be on your pretty ass being punished.”

I ran my fingertips along my lips. My nipples hardened, and a pulse of anticipation, uncertainty, and sheer excited fear of what to expect coursed through my veins.

“Don’t look so surprised. I can tell by the way you’re touching yourself that you’re thinking about it, and they’re not all bad thoughts.”

I stood straight up and glanced around. There was no one other than a few people here, and they were walking. But when I saw the tall building that Jack’s office was in, I looked up. He could see me. Standing on the street this whole time.

My hand dropped from my mouth. I had been running my fingers over my lips, and he’d caught me.

Taking a deep breath, I stuck to my original notion. “Whatever he has in store for me, I’m sure I can handle it.”

Though I couldn’t see him, I looked up in the direction I knew he was.

“You think so?”

“Yes. Because, despite the stockings and medicine, he still sent the flowers. No other reason than pure desire and kindness.”

He didn’t say anything to that. Which meant I was on to something. Jack may be hard and kept his control, but there was a soft side. Otherwise, I never would have fallen for him or been drawn to him the way I was.

“Have you considered that this man of yours, and his tastes, may be too bold for you? Perhaps he’ll scare you off?”

I frowned. There was honesty in his voice that made me wonder if he was actually worried about this. After last night, I thought of a lot of things, but I didn’t think about what Jack must be thinking. Was he worried about me? If he’d hurt me or if he’d gone too far?

I didn’t want him thinking that, and I didn’t want to give up what we had, because we’d just tapped into something amazing. Something I was dying to get another taste of. The heady line between lust, pain, need, and a deeper emotion I couldn’t identify. It went beyond a mere fondness for someone. I didn’t know where in the fall I was, but I knew I was falling. And it was for Jack Powell.

“He won’t scare me off,” I said with confidence.

“What makes you know that?”

I smiled at the skyscraper, hoping he could see it. “Because, I like that he’s hard and rough. It brings out a different side of me I didn’t know I had. He makes me feel strong. And I trust him to read me and know my limits. But—”


“I may have pushed his beyond what he was comfortable with last night. I may have taken too much control. And I’m ready for the consequences of that.”

He took a heavy breath, but said nothing. So I tried to dig a little deeper.