
“Yes.” God, did he have to sound so blasé and sexy all at the same time?

“Hence, my desire for you. You’ll learn. And I’ll teach you.”

“You said you don’t share?”

He shook his head, a venomous look in his eyes. This was one thing I needed to bring up, needed to stick to my gut on, because the truth was, “I don’t either.”


“So, you won’t be with anyone else?”

“While we’re together, it will be just us.” He moved closer so that the cup he held pressed against my stomach.


The look on his face was victorious and predatory. I hadn’t just acknowledged his pledge, but this whole situation.

He was closing in, and I was already in over my head.

Chapter Nine

“Get undressed and lay on the bed,” Jack said, walking past me into his massive master suite.

I stood in the doorway, taking in every single color and fixture. The bed was large, so large that it put a California king to shame, and it was centered in the middle of the room, with floor to ceiling windows on each side. We were on the second floor, and the city lights twinkled through like a backdrop of stars against the night sky.

I took another step in and peeked around the corner to where he had gone. A bathroom, I thought. Next to it was another door, perhaps a closet? I didn’t waste much time thinking about it, because my eyes were back on the bed. Bright white sheets and pillows laid on the black four-poster bed that was against gray walls. It looked like a floating cloud amongst stormy skies.

The nightstands were black and on either side of the bed. Atop one was a box of condoms, as if awaiting my arrival. I swallowed hard and glanced around, looking at a large white chair nestled in the far corner, with a lamp on the opposite wall. It was simple, but clean and overwhelming.

Jack said my name in a deep tone that made my gaze snap from the bed to him. He stood near the foot of the bed, in nothing but black boxer briefs. “I told you to do something.”

My neck tightened, attempting to swallow. Reminding myself of my manners, I tried not to stare, but it was useless. The man was perfection. Tan skin that encased lean, cut muscles that made me want to lick his entire torso. The smallest trail of dark hair started just below his navel and disappeared behind the boxers.

His chest was strong, and broad shoulders led into chiseled biceps. Every ounce of him was hard and defined, and I suddenly felt lacking.

Sure, he’d seen me, well, parts of me, the other day in his office, but the confidence it took to stand nearly naked was something I didn’t have, nor was it an experience I’d ever partaken in.

He took a step toward me, and I watched his powerful legs flex. His bare feet against the hardwood floors made the tiniest squeaking sound.

“You’ve had sex before, correct?” he asked.

My gaze met his. “Yes.” Sort of. I didn’t want to go into Brock and that experience, nor the failed attempts with my college boyfriend. Yes, was the technical and easiest answer for me to give. “Why do you ask?”

“You’ve mentioned your lack of experience, but you’re staring at me as if you’ve never looked at a man.”

That’s because I really hadn’t. Brock had snuck in and out of the shadows, my eyes squeezed shut the whole time. I’d blocked everything I could from that incident. And Andy was lights out and fumbling around, but no real sight or touching occurred.

But Jack?

I wanted to look, no, stare at him all night. Everything from his impressive body to the ridged bulge in his boxers was tantalizing.

“Sorry, I’ll stop star

ing,” I said softly, and hung my head.

“Don’t,” he snapped, making my neck do the same thing. His eyes zeroed in on mine. “Don’t hang your head, don’t look away, and don’t assume that what I just said was meant to make you cease what you were doing.”