“Sorry about that. I’m Daniel Tover. You guys must be… oh!”

I assumed Charlie didn’t hear his friend, because he kept moaning and kissing and rubbing against me. The last thing I wanted was to stop making out with him, but the idea of anybody but Adan and me seeing Charlie so uninhibited and in the throes of pleasure didn’t sit well.

“Charlie, baby,” I said as I pulled away from the kiss and removed my hand from his pants.

“No,” he cried out and clutched my shirt. “Please don’t stop, Scotty.” He looked at me pleadingly. “Need you inside.”

I groaned, closed my eyes, and took deep calming breaths.

“Your friend is here, baby,” Adan said. I opened my eyes and saw him standing right behind Charlie, caressing his hip as he gazed into my eyes. “You guys are so beautiful together,” he whispered. “But I don’t want to share that with anybody else, okay? I want to be the only one who gets to see that.”

Charlie dropped his forehead on my chest and panted. “Jesus. Sorry.” He swallowed a few times and reached down for Adan’s hand, squeezing it. “I want you guys so bad. I guess I lost it there for a minute.”

“That’s a good thing, baby,” Adan said as he nuzzled and licked Charlie’s ear. “But let’s save it for when we’re alone, okay?”

After taking another few breaths, Charlie nodded and we moved apart.

“Daniel, this is Scott”—he rubbed my chest—“and Adan.” He wrapped his arm around Adan’s waist.

“It’s great to meet you guys,” Daniel said brightly as he walked over. “Charlie talks about you all the time.”

“You talk about us, baby?” Adan said with a smirk. “What exactly do you say?”

Charlie blushed and rolled his eyes. “Their egos don’t need any more help, Daniel,” he mock whispered. “Let’s keep the compliments on the down-low.”

I kissed Charlie’s temple and managed to tear my gaze away from him long enough to tilt my chin up in a greeting to his friend. “It’s nice to meet you too,” I said.

Adan shook Daniel’s hand but his focus remained on Charlie. “You want me to go pick up the kids?” he asked. “They get out of school soon, right?”

“Sure. They’d love that.” Charlie grinned. “There you go being sweet again.”

Adan goosed Charlie hard, making him jump and shriek. “Ow!” he said as he rubbed his injured backside and glared at Adan.

“See that?” Adan sauntered to the door, rolling his key ring around his fingers. “I’m just as tough as ever.”

I hunched down and whispered into Charlie’s ear, “Don’t worry, baby. Tonight we’ll kiss it until it’s all better.”

WE HUNG out at Charlie’s apartment until the kids were asleep, then we thanked his friend for babysitting and drove to our place. All three of us were so ramped up by then we barely said ten words between us.

“We’re good without rubbers, right?” I asked Charlie. We’d had the safe-sex talk long before, so I knew the answer, but I wanted to confirm because I had no interest in getting home and then having to run back out.

“Uh-huh,” he said as he rapidly tapped his foot. “Can you drive faster?”

Any faster and I’d be risking a ticket, but I figured the question was rhetorical, so I didn’t answer. When we finally got home, I rushed to the door and started unlocking it. It seemed Adan and Charlie couldn’t wait, because I heard them moaning and kissing behind me.

“Take it inside,” I said hoarsely as I pushed the door open.

They didn’t separate, but they managed to stumble into the house while they kissed and grabbed at each other’s hair, faces, and bodies. I tossed my keys on the side table, kicked the door shut, and watched them.

Adan slammed Charlie against the wall and shoved his thigh between Charlie’s knees, grinding it against his balls. Instead of crying out in pain, Charlie threw his head back and moaned.

“Adan! Ungh.”

“They’re full, aren’t they?” Adan asked, his voice sounding dark. He moved his leg up, pressing into Charlie’s balls. “Bet they ache.”

I’d never heard him talk that way; our dynamic together was completely different. It turned me on so much, I collapsed against the door, tore my pants open, grasped my rigid shaft, and started stroking.

“Yeah,” Charlie said breathlessly as he rode Adan’s leg. “Need you.” He stared at Adan and trembled. “Help me.”

Hearing him so turned on, watching his cheeks flush and his blue eyes go wild with passion, had me ready to cum. I squeezed the base of my shaft and groaned.

“Want me to milk your pretty cock?” Adan rasped as he pushed the heel of his hand down the length of Charlie’s erection. Charlie gasped. “Bet you do.” He moved his free hand to Charlie’s nipple and tweaked it.

“Ah!” Charlie yelled.

“That’s our boy.” Adan slanted his mouth over Charlie’s and kissed him hard and fast; then he dropped to his knees, yanked Charlie’s pants to his ankles, and went down on his swollen dick.