“C’mere,” I said.

He was in my arms almost instantly and sobbing just as quickly. At five foot six, I was smaller than just about everyone, but Daniel wasn’t much bigger than me, so I was able to hold him while he cried himself to sleep.

I remembered doing the same thing many a night after my breakups with Scott and Adan, but when I thought back to those times, they seemed like a lifetime ago. I remembered how much I had hurt back then, but I could no longer feel the pain, could no longer conceive of the lonely life I’d led for so long.

Maybe Daniel was right about things changing. Or maybe the amazing thing was how much things changed and yet stayed exactly the same.

And that brings me to the next picture in the album: me, Scott, and Adan, cuddled together on my sofa.

Our limbs are all tangled together, our bodies are practically on top of each other’s, and our smiles could light up a room. Daniel took the picture Friday evening right after I told them I was going to take the plunge and move in with them and shortly before I went home with them so the three of us could spend the night together for the first time.

Scott Boone

WITH three potted hydrangeas in hand—one with white flowers, another with pink, and the third with blue—Adan and I knocked on Charlie’s door.

“Hi!” He smiled widely when he saw us standing on his doorstep. “You’re here early. Did you have a lunch meeting nearby or—” He jerked his gaze from our faces to the hydrangeas. “Are those for me?”

“Yes,” Adan said proudly as he stepped inside. “We remember how much you like them.”

Charlie bounced into his arms and kissed his chin. “Thank you.” He gripped Adan’s biceps and his expression turned serious. “I don’t want to worry you or anything, but some people might consider the way you’re acting to be sweet.”

Adan arched his eyebrows. “Are you one of those people?”

“Yeah, I am,” Charlie said as he bobbed his head.

“Whew! That’s a relief.” Adan winked. “I’m glad it’s working.”

I’d followed them into the apartment and closed the door while they’d been talking. After kissing Adan softly, Charlie gave me one of his amazing hugs.

“Hi, Scotty,” he said. He nuzzled my neck. “Thanks for the flowers. I don’t know if you remember, but the first time I saw those was—”

“My prom night.” I was still holding the plant with one hand, but I cupped his butt with the other and squeezed it. “I remember.”

He leaned up to my ear, and whispered, “That was the night you crawled into my window and kissed me.” He sighed contentedly and bussed his lips over mine. “Whenever I see those flowers, I remember that night.”

I felt a pull in my heart. “I’m sorry I never thought to give you flowers before,” I said as I gazed at him.

He shook his head and smiled. “Don’t worry about it. It’s no big deal.”

Adan took the plant from me, kissed my cheek, and walked over to the kitchen counter.

“Sure it is,” I said to Charlie as I combed my fingers through his hair. “Thankfully we’ve got Mr. Sensitive over there”—I tipped my head toward Adan, who was organizing the plants on the already crowded counter—“to keep me in line.”

“The day I turn into the sensitive one, we know we’re in trouble.”

We were all laughing when a voice I’d never heard said, “Chase, do you have any—” All three of us flipped toward the hallway and saw a guy wearing nothing but boxer shorts. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize anybody else was here.” He looked down at his body and then turned on his heel. “I’ll get dressed and be right out.”

My brain went through stages of processing: Who was that guy? Why was he undressed in the middle of the day? Where were his clothes? He said he was going to get dressed, so they must be in the bedroom. He wouldn’t be in one of the kids’ rooms, so that meant his clothes were in Charlie’s room. Why would his clothes be in Charlie’s room unless….

That was when I lunged for Adan. Thankfully, he hadn’t been far ahead of me in analyzing the situation and I was standing closer to the hallway, so I was able to stop him before he went after Charlie’s friend. I’d never seen him look so angry. His face was red, his lips were stretched thin, and his eyes were squinted in a dangerous-looking glare.

“Adan, calm down!” I said desperately. “I’m sure there’s a good explanation.”

He looked at me appraisingly, jerked his chin down in a rough nod, and sucked in air. “Charlie,” he said brokenly as he turned to Charlie. “Explain.”

“That’s my friend Daniel.” Charlie walked over until all three of us were standing close together. “He’s in a bad place right now and needed to be with a friend.”