I wrapped my free arm around his waist and dragged him forward until we were pressed together tight enough to give my groin the pressure I’d been craving since the moment I last saw him. “Everything’s fine.” I nuzzled his neck. “I just missed you, baby.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, get a room already, you two. We’re trying to sleep.”

I wasn’t sure which of the small-brained freaks had said that last one, but it didn’t matter. “We have a room but you’re in it,” I yelled. “Get the fuck out.”

“Chase,” one of them whined. “’M tired.”

“Yeah? Well I’m horny.” I scowled at everyone, not that they were looking. “Leave.”

It might have been a rude thing to say, but Chase knew me well enough by then to understand that I meant it. He chuckled, grasped my hand, and said, “C’mere.”

“Where’re we going?” I followed him through the apartment, stepping over clothes and limbs as I went.

“Bathroom,” he said. “So we can have some privacy and take care of your, uh, needs.”

“Why do we have to hide away like a couple of kids?” I whined, sounding very much like a kid. “They should leave.”

“Yes, I know. But they’re hungover and tired and it’s mean to kick them out.”

“I don’t care.” Chase was nice but I wasn’t. At least not when it came to something standing between me and the orgasm I’d been craving since I skulked out of my parents’ house.

“Getting rid of them will take forever,” he said as he walked us into the bathroom. He set the flowers on the counter and closed the door behind me. “You can think of this as an ‘I missed you’ appetizer and we can have the main course after they’re gone.”

“There are four guys in there,” I grumbled. “Seems to me you should be too full for appetizers after playing with them all night.”

“Aww, are you jealous?” He smiled as he pushed my coat off and kissed my neck.


“No?” He grazed his lips up to my jaw and groped my dick through my jeans. “’Cause you sound a little jealous and you looked like you wanted to hurt someone back there.”

I grunted, leaned back against the door, and widened my stance, giving him better access to my package.

“You don’t need to worry.” He flicked his tongue over my earlobe and unbuttoned my jeans. “You know how into you I am.” He sucked on my lobe and pushed my boxers and jeans down to my thighs, exposing my semierect dick and full balls to cool air. “I don’t want anybody else.”

Yeah, I knew that. It was obvious Chase was totally into me. I relaxed and traced his lips with my thumb. “Show me, baby.”


He had just dropped to his knees when someone pushed the door open, slamming the knob into my back and catching me off guard. I bucked forward, knocked Chase’s nose with my hip, and sent him sprawling across the floor.

“What the hell?” I shouted, turning to face the door.

One of Chase’s buddies tried to squeeze into the room. “I need to take a piss,” he said.

I cracked my knuckles and got ready to break his nose.

“Come on, Trev,” Chase said as he scrambled up from the floor. “You knew we were in here.”

“Yeah, yeah,” the guy said, completely undeterred. “You were trying to get a little dick. Got it. But nature calls.”

“It sure as fuck isn’t little,” Chase said with a wink. “Quit screwing around and give us some privacy.”

The guy looked from Chase to me and then dragged his gaze down to my exposed and, by that point, flaccid dick. He didn’t utter a word, just raised his eyebrows meaningfully and smirked.

“Hey! I’m a grow-er not a show-er,” I said defensively. The asshole scoffed disbelievingly. “No, really, I am.” I looked at Chase imploringly. “Tell him.”

The asshole laughed and Chase’s expression went from amused to pissed. He squeezed past me and shoved his friend out of the bathroom. “You’re out of line, Trev. And, by the way, I’ve seen your dick and guys in four-inch glass houses shouldn’t throw stones at other guys who are over eight inches and thick. Get out of here.”

I stared at Chase as he forced his friend out of the room and closed the door. “You need a lock for this door.”

“I need to get new friends.” He was vibrating with anger.

“Maybe he was jealous,” I said magnanimously, expecting Chase to tell me I was wrong, that he was just friends with that Trev person, that there had never been anything between them.

“Maybe,” he admitted. “But that doesn’t give him an excuse to be an asshole to you.” Chase dropped his forehead against my chest. “Sorry.”

I caressed his hair and tried to stay calm when I asked, “Did you used to date him?”

“Not really.” He shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe he saw it that way because we fooled around a couple of times, but it wasn’t any good, so we stuck with the friendship. I wouldn’t call it dating.”