He rested his forehead against mine. “I know,” he said as he rubbed our noses together. “That’s another thing I love.” He paused for a minute and then spoke again, his breath ghosting over my lips. “You know what else I love about you, Charlie?”

“What?” I asked quietly. We were the only ones home, but there was something painfully intimate about that moment we were sharing and I didn’t want to disturb it with a loud voice.

“I love that you don’t let anyone scare you away from being yourself. Like some of those jerks at school used to give you a hard time about your clothes, but you’re still dressing exactly the same, right?”

I didn’t correct his use of the past tense. No sense in letting him know about the sneers his old teammates had continued giving me until they’d graduated. It’d only make him mad. Besides, as a senior, people pretty much left me alone. That, and I stopped caring, stopped noticing. I was almost out of that place, anyway, and then I’d never have to see any of those assholes again. They didn’t matter. No way was I going to let them change who I was.

“The purple V-neck cashmere sweater I’m wearing right now confirms that, yeah.”

He dragged his hand down my side. “It looks good on you, and I like how soft it is.” Scott looked deep into my eyes. “I always like how you look, Charlie. That hasn’t changed just because I’m in college now, and it won’t change in front of my new friends. I love you exactly the way you are.”

I’m not as smart as Scott, never have been, so he always figures things out way before me, even when those things are me. But I was slowly catching up.

“Is that what I’ve been doing?” I asked him. “Trying to be somebody else?”

“Well—” Scott kissed me gently. “You love Halloween more than anyone I know, and the past couple of years you’ve complained about being too old to dress up. Now we’re going to a party and everyone will be wearing costumes, so you can finally go all-out.” He kissed me again, longer this time, nibbled on my lips and swiped his tongue into my mouth. “Do you actually want to go as Lurch?”

I blushed and shook my head. “No. His clothes are awful, and I don’t want to limp around all night.”

Scott cupped my cheek. “Yeah, I didn’t figure you’d want that.”

“I don’t want to go as a zombie or the Joker either,” I admitted. “They’re ugly.”


I chewed on my bottom lip and looked up at him from beneath my lashes. “So you really don’t care what I go as at all? I mean, they’re your friends. I don’t want to embarrass you.”

“You could never embarrass me, baby. Besides, no matter what you wear, I’ll have the hottest date there.”

When Scott said things like that or when he looked at me like I was funny or special or something, my heart felt like a balloon with a pump inside, like it was growing and growing and it wouldn’t stop until it filled me completely, until he filled me completely.

“Well, then,” I said. “It looks like I have some thinking to do.”

He kissed the tip of my nose. “Sounds good.”

“Hey, Scotty?”


“When’re your parents coming home?”

Just like that, his gaze turned carnal. “They’re having dinner at their friends’ place tonight. They usually stay out late when they go there.”

We both stayed perfectly still. He stared at me. I stared at him. Then we both flew into action.

I clawed at Scott’s shirt, pushing it up his chest. He went for my jeans, yanking them open and then shoving them down to my thighs. Then he pulled his shirt over his head, tossed it in the corner, and started working on his jeans. At the same time, I tugged my sweater over my head and wiggled and pushed my jeans down to my feet, where they got stuck on my shoes. Then we were both sort of stuck. Me: naked from neck to ankles, but my jeans, briefs, and shoes still on. Him: naked from neck to knee, kneeling, with the same items bunched together.

We looked at each other and, at almost the same moment, cracked up laughing.

“What?” Scott chuckled out as he wiped tears from his eyes. “Don’t I look sexy like this?” He swayed from side to side, making his semihard dick swing lewdly.

“Cut it out!” I gasped. “I can’t breathe.”

“What?” He shook his ass, and everything else. “I’m dancing!”

There was only one way to stop the insanity. I did a crunch so my face was level with his groin, then I grasped his ass and pulled him forward until his dick connected with my lips. The crown slid across my lower lip, over my cheek, and pressed against my ear. It wasn’t the smoothest move, but it managed to make Scott stop laughing and start panting. I leaned back, reached for the hot, hard shaft, and brought it to my mouth.