“What’s your type?” Bruce asked disbelievingly.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Emilio grumbled as he heaved his toolbox into one of the locking equipment boxes in his truck bed. “I cannot believe I’m having this conversation with you. Like I said, it’s not personal. I’m into guys who are—” His words were cut short when he looked up and saw the perfect embodiment of his type—the sexy professor was two rows away from them. “Him. He’s my type,” Emilio said in a rush. “And I’m going to go talk to him. See you Monday.” And with those words, he hustled toward the professor, hoping to finally have the chance to hear the intriguing man’s voice and wondering if it’d be as mesmerizing as his eyes.

Chapter 2

THOUGH he had stayed in his office until well after the time the crew working downstairs usually finished for the day, the sound of hammering and sawing and whatever else those tool noises were called had continued. Eventually, Spencer realized the builders were working later than usual. He wanted to go home but didn’t want to get caught staring at the hard, sweaty bodies, or, if he were honest, at one particular hot, sweaty body.

For the first few days the construction crew had worked outside of his building, Spencer had enjoyed the eye candy. He’d glance at the men as he walked by and then move on, thinking about his lesson plan or a journal article he was working on. But then one day, he saw a new man working. At least Spencer thought he was new, because he was sure he would have remembered seeing someone handsome enough to grace the cover of a magazine walking around in real life.

The man had been talking with the others, laughing in a carefree way that seemed to take over his whole body. Happiness radiated from him, which was what first caught Spencer’s attention. Then he looked over, and for a second Spencer lost the ability to breathe. This man was like every naughty fantasy Spencer had ever had come to life, all defined muscles and tanned skin and tight jeans. But none of those fantasies had included warm eyes and soft smiles.

By the time Spencer realized he had been staring and possibly drooling, he knew he had been caught. Fearing an angry reaction from the macho crew, he had dashed away. After that, he had made a point of avoiding them, at least in person. His window gave him a great view of the sexy, joy-filled man.

But now it was Friday, he was tired, and he was trapped in his office. To maintain the up-to-then successful avoidance tactic and yet escape from the building, Spencer decided the best course of action would be to use the rear exit and take the long way to the parking lot. Ten minutes later, with his car in sight, he thought he was free and clear from the tempting man he could never have but couldn’t seem to stop wanting. But suddenly he was faced with an unexpected complication: the muscle-bound guy he had been drooling over for weeks was right there, in the parking lot, looking as gorgeous as he had through the window. Spencer hunched down, clutched his leather case to his chest protectively, and hoped he could make it to his car without turning around and staring at the man. Again.

“Hey, hold up!”

Spencer heard the voice behind him and was torn between following the demand or running the remaining few steps to his Accord. Ignoring the person calling out to him would be socially awkward. Not that he was a top authority on social graces, but he was pretty sure running away would be considered rude. So Spencer stopped, took a deep breath, and slowly turned around, keeping his briefcase against his chest.

Of course, he had no idea what kind of protection some leather and paper could offer, or even why he needed protection. Other than the first day he’d seen the handsome man, he hadn’t been caught staring. Plus, they were in a public parking lot, in broad daylight. He was safe.

“Hey, uh, hi!” the guy shouted as he jogged over. “I’m Emilio Sanchez.”

Now that he was face-to-face with the big man, or actually face to neck, Spencer realized he had been wrong in thinking Emilio was as attractive in person as he had been through the window. No, as it turned out, up close and personal the man was even more stunning. The first time he had walked by the construction site and locked eyes with the stranger, Spencer had turned away within seconds. But this time, the broad chest was right in front of him, the sweat-damp T-shirt stretched over muscles Spencer wanted desperately to touch, and as close as they were standing to each other, the scent of sawdust and musk born of hard work permeated his nose. And that quickly, Spencer felt his cock filling.