“Don’t matter if he figures it out. Nobody wants to hear about his younger brother’s sex life. It might be worse than walking in on your parents doing the dirty.”

“You’re devious!” Spencer sounded a little more energetic now that the bone-melting aspect of his orgasm was wearing off.

“I’m the youngest of five,” Emilio explained. “That’s considered a key survival skill if you want to have any kind of privacy.”

Spencer combed his fingers through Emilio’s chest hair, the act surprisingly soothing. “My brother wasn’t ever like that. He never asked what I was doing.” After a pause, Spencer continued. “I don’t know if that was because he didn’t care or because he figured whatever was going on in my life wasn’t interesting enough to know.”

To Emilio, those sounded like the same thing, but he kept that opinion to himself because he couldn’t see how it would do anything other than make Spencer feel worse. “You really don’t have much in common with him, huh?”

“No. Steven has always been the life of the party. He can talk to anybody about sports. He has an endless list of funny anecdotes to share. Find a crowd, and he’s usually at the center of it. I’m nothing like him.”

“Thank fuck for that,” Emilio said. Spencer furrowed his brow in confusion. “I’m sure your brother is fun at parties, but I’d much rather have you waiting for me at the end of each day than someone who needs everything to revolve around him. That shit would get real old real fast.”

“I like knowing you’re going to be there at the end of the day too,” Spencer said shyly.

It wasn’t new information. Every one of Spencer’s emotions was telegraphed on his face, so it was impossible to miss his excitement whenever he saw Emilio. Even so, hearing the words was nice.

Emilio rested his forehead against Spencer’s. “That means we’re well matched,” he said.

Chapter 11

“DO YOU want to drive or should I?” Spencer asked as he dropped his wallet into the back pocket of his khaki pants.

“You got a preference?” Emilio responded.

It took almost a minute before his brain could process the question because Emilio was shirtless, clad only in well-fitting jeans and a thick leather belt. Spencer wanted to forget about the restaurant and eat him for dinner.

“Uh.” Spencer licked his lips and dragged his gaze from the bulge in Emilio’s pants up his rippled belly and well-defined pecs, and over to his face. “Uh-uh.” He shook his head, both in response to the question and to clear away the lusty haze and stop sounding like an idiot.

“I don’t like being a passenger,” Emilio said. “It makes my stomach uneasy. But my truck is a pain in the ass to park, so how about we take your car but I drive?”

“Sounds good.” Spencer’s gaze dropped to Emilio’s six-pack and then darted back up.

Emilio snickered. “Why do I get the feeling that you’d agree to anything if I ask when I’m almost naked?”

“Because you’re a smart man.”

Emilio threw back his head and laughed, making Spencer feel a little lighter, a little warmer. He was pretty sure what he’d said counted as flirting, which wasn’t his strong suit, but based on Emilio’s reaction, he figured he’d done all right. He smiled to himself as he pulled on a white polo shirt.

“Are you ready to go?” Emilio asked. He pushed his feet into a worn pair of Vans and flattened his hands over his black T-shirt.

Spencer admired him for a moment, yet again, and then sighed happily. “Yes. I just need to get my vest.” He rummaged through his drawer and retrieved a gray argyle sweater vest. After he had it on, he made sure his shirt was tucked into his pants, his belt buckle was centered, and his vest was straight. “Ready,” he said, looking up at Emilio.

Emilio was staring at him fondly, the sides of his mouth turned up a tad and his eyes twinkling.

“What?” he asked as he moved closer to that strong, tall body. Emilio drew him like a magnetic pull. He flattened his palms against Emilio’s chest and tilted his head back. “What?” he asked again.

Emilio cupped his big palms over Spencer’s ass and started kneading. “Nothing.” He bent down and kissed Spencer’s temple. “I think you’re really cute is all.”

“You keep saying that,” Spencer pointed out. “I’m not sure you can describe someone who is old enough to be your father as cute.”

He didn’t mind having Emilio call him cute; in fact, he liked it. But with a meet-the-family moment right around the corner and the unexpected call from his ex still wreaking havoc on his stomach, Spencer’s nerves were getting the best of him. Sixteen years was a big age gap. Certainly big enough for Emilio’s family to worry that Spencer was taking advantage of him. His internalized anxiety attack was disrupted by the sound of Emilio coughing up a lung.