With that thought in mind, Spencer’s entire body stiffened and he cried out Emilio’s name as he shot hard, jets of creamy white semen covering his belly and drizzling over Emilio’s fingers.

“Yes!” Emilio shouted. He leaned over Spencer’s body and gave himself three more strokes before he came, adding more liquid heat to Spencer’s skin. He didn’t stop pumping until they were both drained, and then he dropped his forehead onto Spencer’s chest, remaining crouched above him as he sucked in air.

With a trembling hand, Spencer petted Emilio’s hair as he caught his breath. It was combustible, this thing between them, unlike anything he’d previously experienced. Their chemistry together was off the charts, filling Spencer with a deep sense of pride. Then he had a disconcerting thought.

“Emilio?” he asked hesitantly.

Emilio kissed his sternum and then raised his gaze. “Yes?”

“Is it always like this for you? When you… with other guys, is it always so….”

“Never.” Emilio shook his head. “Only with you, Spencer,” he said, sounding almost awed. “You’re incredible.”

The praise filled him with pride and satisfaction. He reached for Emilio and tugged, urging him up. “Can we kiss more?” he asked, feeling uncharacteristically bold.

“Always.” Emilio kissed his hand and then scooted up so they were face-to-face again. Then he rolled them onto their sides and drew Spencer close. “Love kissing you, cariño.”

BECAUSE he had to be up by five on weekdays to get to the job site on time, Emilio generally went to bed by nine. If he wanted to go out on a Friday night, he’d catch a nap after work, knowing it was the only way to stay awake late enough to have a good time. But that night, when the clock ticked past eleven, he was still awake, watching Spencer sleep in his arms.

He smoothed his palm over Spencer’s hair and looked at him in wonder. His immediate attraction to the older man hadn’t surprised him. Emilio had always preferred guys with more life under their belts, a bit of salt with the pepper, the sides of their eyes crinkling when they smiled. Plus, though he had a big, muscular build by nature, from his work, and because he devoted time to staying in shape, he had no interest in taking someone with his own body type to bed. Instead, he was attracted to men who were smaller and softer. So as far as physical types went, Spencer hit the mark in every way.

Having worked alongside his parents and siblings for as long as he could remember, he needed to be with someone who recognized the importance of a steady job more than the next party. And he respected a guy who worked hard and saved for things that mattered, like improving his house. Having been raised by a father who took immense pride in being the first in his family to buy his own home, and who drove his truck into the ground before he replaced it, Emilio had a hard time connecting with guys whose closets were overflowing with designer clothes yet they never had enough money to buy their own drinks. And during the past year, he had gone out with at least three men who lived in tiny shared apartments, yet drove the latest BMW. Though Spencer’s family sounded completely different from his own, it seemed that they valued the same things.

Plus he had to admit, there was something satisfying about being needed, and Spencer called to every one of his protective instincts. The way Spencer looked at him, wide-eyed and reverent, made Emilio feel like he was ten feet tall and powerful enough to do anything. The man was a rare mix of mature responsibility and sweet shyness, so no wonder Emilio was drawn to him.

But even though he knew Spencer’s appearance hit all his buttons and even though he respected Spencer’s career and ethics and had enjoyed hanging out with him more than he had enjoyed spending time with someone in as long as he could remember, Emilio was still blindsided by how he had felt once they got in bed. His first sexual experience had been at seventeen, fumbling hurriedly with another boy from school. It hadn’t taken long for things to escalate, and by eighteen, he was out of his parents’ house and getting laid pretty regularly. Emilio considered himself pretty experienced when it came to sex and thought that, other than some seriously kinky shit he had no interest in trying, he had done what there was to do and felt what there was to feel.

One day with Spencer had proven him wrong. Nobody had ever made him feel so good, so alive, so full of desire. Just remembering the wet heat of Spencer’s mouth on his dick and the scent, taste, and feel of Spencer’s silky skin when Emilio rimmed him made his balls ache and his cock plump back up again. Taking in a deep breath, Emilio tightened his hold on Spencer.