“You didn’t mess anything up,” Spencer assured him. Far from it. Seeing Emilio’s toned chest and ripped abs close up had Spencer’s dick ready to go again. It was hot and hard against his thigh and he reveled in the feeling of wanting, needing. He’d missed this. Well, as much as you could miss something you’d only ever had a taste of. Spencer dipped his chin and looked up at Emilio from underneath his lashes. “Your, uh, plan worked just fine.”

“Oh ho! Is that right?” Emilio beamed, looking so proud. “Come over here.” He patted his lap.

“Uh….” Spencer considered objecting and saying he was too old to sit on someone’s lap. But he wanted to be closer to Emilio, wanted to feel those strong arms around him again. Refusing to do something he very much wanted due to some principle he didn’t fully understand didn’t make any sense, so Spencer got up and made his way around the table.

Just as soon as he was within arm’s reach, Emilio yanked him down so he was sitting on Emilio’s lap, straddling his hips. “Hey,” Emilio said as he circled his arms around Spencer’s waist.

“Hi,” Spencer answered. He propped his wrists on Emilio’s broad shoulders and laced his fingers together behind Emilio’s neck.

“You cooked, so I’m gonna clean up. Plus, I gotta fill you in on what I think you should do with your remodel,” Emilio said. “But I was hopin’ maybe we could make out a little first.”

“Make out?” Spencer fidgeted and moaned when he felt Emilio’s thick erection push against his belly.

“Mmm hmm.” Emilio moved his hand along Spencer’s back, rucking up his shirt. “Just a little.”

He urged Spencer forward until their lips connected and then licked his way into Spencer’s mouth, giving him more of those amazing kisses. With Emilio’s mouth tasting his, Emilio’s hands petting him, and Emilio’s big body enveloping his, Spencer relaxed into the moment. It felt good to be wanted, felt just as good to want, and Spencer didn’t take for granted how lucky he was to be experiencing both feelings.

EMILIO squeezed Spencer’s knees and kept a firm grip on his legs as he pushed his hands up his thighs, massaging his muscles. “Mmm,” he moaned into Spencer’s mouth, taking kiss after kiss from soft, warm lips. “You feel good.” One more kiss and then he moved his hand to the back of Spencer’s head and rubbed his scalp. “Should we talk about your remodel now?”

Warm and pliable in his arms, Spencer rested his cheek on Emilio’s shoulder and traced his nipple with one long finger. “You really don’t have to do this,” he said. “I mean, I’m grateful, but you work hard all day. You should be able to relax on a Friday night.”

“Oh, I’m plenty relaxed,” Emilio promised. “And I like what I do, so don’t feel bad about letting me help out.”

Spencer met Emilio’s gaze and cupped his cheek. “Are you sure? Because I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

With his trademark crooked grin firmly in place, Emilio raised his eyebrows, gave Spencer his best leer, and said, “Baby, you can take advantage of me anytime.”

Spencer snorted and lightly smacked his shoulder. “Cut it out, goofball!” he said, sounding happy and relaxed. Then he smiled and flashed his dimples, and Emilio felt warmed all the way through. He wanted more than anything to keep Spencer feeling exactly that way all the time.

“All right, so I think this house is in really good shape, all things considered. The floors need to be refinished; we already talked about that. A fresh coat of paint, inside and out, would do wonders. The layouts in the bathroom and kitchen aren’t bad, but the fixtures are old, so you’ll probably want to pull everything out and put in new cabinets and appliances and all that. The biggest issue is the electric. It hasn’t ever been redone, nothing’s up to code, and your electrical panel is too small. I’d start totally fresh there, rewire the whole house.”

“Yeah,” Spencer said with a nod. “That’s pretty much what I was expecting. I have a good amount saved up, but not enough to do all of that yet. Do you think I should do it in parts or wait until I have enough money to do the whole project in one go?”

Without allowing himself even a moment to hesitate, Emilio barreled forward. “I think you do it all now. I can handle most of the labor myself, and what I can’t do alone, my brothers can help with. A guy I know does cabinets, and he’ll give you a good deal. Same on the fixtures. So that really just leaves the appliances as the big-ticket items.”

“Wait.” Spencer looked thoroughly confused. It was adorable. “You want this job? But I thought you already had a job working with your family business.”