Emilio rolled the idea over in his mind. “You really think it works that way?” he finally asked.

Henry sighed loudly. “I don’t know,” he said, sounding sad. “I really don’t. You gonna tell me what’s up with all the questions?”

“I met someone,” Emilio confessed.

“Yeah? That guy you been scoping out at the UNLV job?”

“How’d you know about that?” Emilio asked in surprise.

“Raul told me. He ain’t stupid. You think he doesn’t know why you been hanging around that job site so much?”

Emilio chuckled. His family was a little overbearing. Okay, a lot overbearing. But he was lucky to have them. Henry was his best friend, followed by his other two brothers, and there wasn’t a more caring person on earth than his sister.

“Yeah. That’s the guy,” he confirmed. “His name’s Spencer.”

“So? What’s he like? Some brainy college boy?”

“Brainy college professor. And he’s not just smart. He’s….” Emilio tried to find the right words to describe the cute, kind man at the other end of the house. “He has this smile that’s, like, shy but sexy at the same time. The first time I saw it, it was like a punch to the gut, man. I’m telling you.” He shook his head at the memory and rubbed his stomach, remembering how he’d felt that first day. “And he’s really successful. He has a job at UNLV and owns his house, but there’s something about him that makes me feel like he needs me, like maybe even though he’s older and shit, I can take care of him and he’d let me. And he made me this great dinner. I mean, I haven’t tasted it yet, but it sounds like it’s gonna be really good. And he dresses all conservative, but when the clothes come off, he’s—”

“It doesn’t take time to grow into it, does it?” Henry asked sadly.

“I don’t think so,” Emilio responded, understanding exactly what Henry meant. “Sorry.”

His brother sighed deeply. “He sounds great. When’re you gonna bring him around?”

“I don’t know yet. Hopefully soon. I’m still working on getting him used to me. I don’t wanna scare him off with the force of the whole Sanchez clan at once.”

“’Kay. Well, if you wanna start in small doses, let me know,” Henry said. “We can go grab a beer and shoot some pool.”

“Will do,” Emilio responded. “Thanks.”

“I’m happy for you, bro. Talk to you later.”

With a feeling of warmth in his chest and a smile on his face, Emilio dropped the phone into the side pocket of his gym bag and started pulling his clothes out. After a moment of hesitation, he left everything other than his workout shorts in the bag. He stepped into the shorts and pulled them up to just above his hips.

There was no way to miss the fact that Spencer liked looking at Emilio’s body. Plus, the man had admitted it. Hopefully walking out dressed in nothing but the loose, thin shorts would keep Spencer interested and on edge, so he’d be receptive to Emilio’s plan. After a pit stop in the bathroom to clean up, Emilio checked himself out in the mirror. He shoved his hand down the front of his shorts and gave his dick a couple of tugs, wanting it to fill a bit, then he strutted out of the room and over to the kitchen.

Maybe it was because Emilio was barefoot. Or maybe it was because Spencer was distracted. But most likely it was because Spencer was so clearly nervous. Whatever the reason, he didn’t hear Emilio approach. When he reached the kitchen doorway and saw Spencer, Emilio froze midswagger.

The small, round kitchen table was crowded with fabric place mats, brightly colored plates holding perfectly arranged food, water glasses, a water pitcher, wine glasses, a bottle of wine, a bread basket, and candle sticks. Spencer stood next to the table. He moved one of the plates an inch to the right, switched the placement of the bread and wine bottle before putting them back where they had been to begin with, and then hovered over the candles, lighter in hand.

He furrowed his brow and chewed on his bottom lip, seemingly putting great thought into something. Eventually, he picked the candles up, walked into the kitchen with them, put them in a drawer, and closed it. Then he stared at the drawer, still in deep thought, opened it again, picked the candles up, and walked to the table, only to turn back around, candles still in hand, right when he got there.

It was obvious Spencer was trying hard to put together a nice meal. And that he was more than a little anxious about it. Emilio’s heart melted and his game plan changed. This man wanted him already; seduction wasn’t necessary. But if he wanted to stay around long enough to see whether their mutual attraction could turn into something lasting, Emilio would need to make Spencer feel comfortable and safe. Because if he continued at his current level of anxiety, he’d either make himself sick or toss Emilio out to preserve his own sanity.