Emilio threw his head back and laughed deeply. God, but did Spencer love that laugh.

“Goofball,” Emilio said and then goosed him.

“Hey!” Spencer leaped a little, moving away from the unexpected pinch on his ass. “Be nice!”

“Want me to kiss it and make it better?” Emilio asked, and then he crooked one side of his lips up and waggled his eyebrows. Spencer’s breath hitched and he made a noise that sounded like a mix between a gasp and a hiccup. “Oh yeah,” Emilio said smugly. “I think we already know one thing to add to tonight’s agenda. If you’ll answer my questions from before, we can make it a complete list.”

“Your questions?”

“Yup.” Emilio held on to Spencer and rolled them onto their sides, keeping them connected from chest to feet. “I wanna know what you’re into, what you like in bed.”

“Oh.” Spencer blushed. “Just the same stuff as everyone else, I guess. I liked what we just did. I like when you touch me.” He reached his hand up to Emilio’s mouth and traced his lips with his finger. “I like your mouth.”

“Is that code for you like getting sucked off?”

How Emilio could say the words so casually, Spencer didn’t know, but he was going to have to get his blush reflex under control around this man. “Who doesn’t?” he asked.

Emilio snorted and said, “Good point.”

The conversation wasn’t nearly as uncomfortable as it should have been. In fact, Spencer was having a good time. It motivated him to continue talking.

“And as far as the other,” he said, “I like to bottom. I mean, I can top if I need to, but….” He looked at Emilio from underneath his lashes. “I don’t know. I like bottoming better, I guess, as long as it’s not in certain positions. From behind’s my favorite position.” He shrugged and whispered, “Or at least it used to be. It’s been a while.”

Emilio combed his fingers through Spencer’s hair gently. “You’ll tell me what the bad positions are, right? Because to me, any position that involves my dick in your ass is gonna be a good one. I can tell you that right now.”

“Very funny,” Spencer said with a smile and a little shake of his head.

“I ain’t kidding,” Emilio responded. “You have a nice butt. I wanna do a lot of wicked things to it.”

He heard himself make another of those new hiccup-moan noises and knew if they didn’t get out of bed soon, he’d be asking Emilio to get started on the wicked things right away. It wasn’t a bad idea, actually, but Emilio had to be hungry after doing physically grueling work all day and then working more when he got to Spencer’s house.

“I made dinner,” Spencer said. “I know you talked about going out to eat, but I’m a decent cook and I had time while you were in the attic, and it was really nice of you to help me, so….” He shrugged. “But if you want to go out, that’s fine too.”

“You made me dinner?” Emilio asked, his face lighting right up. “You’re so sweet.” He cupped Spencer’s cheek and kissed the tip of his nose.

Spencer beamed. “It’s nothing fancy,” he explained. “Just chicken with a mushroom sauce, baked kale, and a salad.”

Right on cue, Emilio’s stomach growled. “Damn,” he groaned. “Cute as hell, super smart, great in bed, and you cook too?” He shook his head. “I ain’t ever letting you go.”

The statement sent a pang of need and hope right through Spencer’s chest. He forced himself to stay calm and remember that Emilio seemed to use words in a more free and less literal way than other people. That comment was the man’s way of thanking him for making dinner, not an actual expression of a desire to date Spencer forever or even long-term. Spencer was old enough to know that a man didn’t go home with someone he just met for anything more than a round or two of sex, and he wasn’t naïve enough to think sex—even good sex—would keep that man coming back for more. He mentally repeated those reminders three times so he wouldn’t be disappointed when later that night or, if he was lucky, the next day, Emilio did what any normal person would do—go home and keep living his life in exactly the same way as he had before they’d met.

Spencer leaned forward, pressed his lips to the hollow of Emilio’s throat, and inhaled deeply. He wanted to keep that moment in his memory for later, when he was alone again. Emilio’s grip on him tightened, and Spencer felt moisture in his eyes. A couple of calming breaths got his emotions under control.

“Ready to eat?” he asked.

“Oh yeah.” Emilio’s stomach growled again. He arched his eyebrows. “See?”

With a snort and a smile, Spencer rolled off the bed. “Okay. Everything’s ready, so we’ll be able to tame that beast inside your belly fast.” He slipped into his white briefs and a long-sleeve shirt, then pulled a pair of jeans out of his closet and turned to face Emilio as he started putting them on. “If you have a sweet tooth, I can—”