“Sure, sure,” Emilio’s father said. “Good to see you again.”

Adan’s lips were pursed in what looked to be frustration. “Good to see you too, Mr. Sanchez. Thank you for hosting the party.” He stepped closer to the man next to him and put his hand on his shoulder. “This is”—Carmen cleared her throat loudly, and Adan flinched—“my roommate, Scott Boone.”

“How nice that you were able to come to the party,” Emilio’s father said. “How long have you two been together?” Carmen gasped, clearly not expecting the comment, and Adan looked like he had swallowed his tongue. Completely oblivious to the reaction to his innocent question, Emilio’s father continued speaking. “Oh! You boys must know my son Emilio and his boyfriend Spencer. They’re gay too.”

Scott snorted out a laugh and then looked down at his feet, his shoulders shaking.

“Uh, no,” Adan said. “It’s not really—”

“Adan, let’s go,” Carmen snapped as she swung the door open. “Thank you for a lovely afternoon,” she called back over her shoulder as she stormed out of the house, her son stomping after her.

“Hey, I’ll see you guys at the next club meeting,” Scott said, giving Emilio and Spencer a wink as he walked out the door and closed it behind him, drowning out Carmen’s rising voice.

The room was quiet for a few beats, and then everybody erupted in laughter.

“What?” Emilio’s father asked, looking at his children in confusion. “What’s so funny?”

Henry rolled off the love seat and held his belly as he gasped for air. “Hey, Emilio, man, what do you guys do at those club meetings?”

“Shut up,” Emilio said, as he laughed.

“I saw a thing on the Internet once,” Henry said.

“Henry,” Martin said, the warning clear in his tone. “We are in mixed company.”

“Right, right. I got it.” Henry held his hand up and nodded as he climbed back onto the couch. “But just tell me this, ’Milio. Do you guys gotta wear flip-flops at the meetings so you don’t slip on the—”

Emilio shoved Henry off the couch at the same time Raul and Martin both shouted, “Henry!”

“Why would they need flip-flops?” Emilio’s father asked in confusion. “Are your meetings at the pool?”

Spencer started coughing uncontrollably, and Emilio patted him on the back. “We don’t got meetings, Pop. Henry’s just messing around.”

“Oh. Well you should. Meetings are important. I’m sure your mother would be happy to make her special empanadas, and Spencer could make those lemon bars he brought over last week.” He paused and looked at Spencer. “Do you have any more of those lemon bars?”

“No, sir,” Spencer said, sounding a little breathless from all the laughter. “But I can make more and bring them over next weekend.”

“DID you have fun today?” Emilio asked Spencer when they got home.

“I did.” Spencer bobbed his head. “Everyone was really nice, Henry is hilarious, and your mom kept trying to feed me.”

“Well, she can’t have one of her boys walking around looking skinny,” Emilio said, repeating his mother’s words. “People will think she doesn’t know how to cook.” Spencer had lit up when he had heard Emilio’s mother make the comment, looking so pleased that he was considered part of the family.

“I’m not skinny,” Spencer said, ducking his head and blushing.

“No?” Emilio asked. “Let me check.” He rushed forward and goosed Spencer.

“Akh!” Spencer screeched and jumped.

“Hmm, I don’t know. I better check again.” Emilio reached for Spencer, but he dodged him and ran down the hallway.

“C’mere,” Emilio said, chasing after him. “It’s for science!”

When they got to the bedroom, Emilio wrapped his arms around Spencer’s waist and tumbled them onto the bed together.

“Emilio!” Spencer shouted.

“Yeah?” Emilio asked as he shoved both hands down the back of Spencer’s pants and started massaging his bare globes.

Spencer’s breath hitched.

“Mmm, these don’t feel skinny to me, cariño.” Emilio dragged a finger down Spencer’s trench before going back to his cheeks and squeezing them. “I think they’re firm and round and just right.”

“You… you do?” Spencer stuttered as he arched into Emilio’s touch. “Maybe you should take a closer look.” He gulped. “Just to be sure.”

“Good idea,” Emilio whispered into his ear. “I like how you think.” He reached for Spencer’s shirt first, tugged it up, and pulled it over his head. Then he scooted down and took off Spencer’s shoes, socks, and finally his pants, leaving him wearing only the blue jock. “Damn.” Emilio’s voice shook as he looked at the beautiful man sharing his bed. He pressed the heel of his hand over his dick. “You make me need so much, Spence.” He locked his gaze with Spencer’s. “So much.”

“Me too,” Spencer said hoarsely. “Kiss me?”

“Always.” Emilio lowered himself on top of Spencer and pressed their lips together, enjoying gentle kisses and soft touches.

“Off,” Spencer said as he shoved Emilio’s shirt up his back.

Emilio planted his hands on the bed and straightened his arms, giving Spencer room to pull the shirt over his head. Then he lifted one arm at a time and threw the garment off the bed.