Spencer was watching him, his lips pressed together and his entire body shaking, like he was holding in laughter.

Thinking of how ridiculous his entire undressing process must have looked, Emilio chuckled and said, “I see you enjoyed my sexy striptease.”

“I really, really did,” Spencer responded, stepping close and wrapping his arms around Emilio’s waist.

“Oh, yeah? What did it for you the most? Was it the part where I almost fell on my ass? Or the part where my dick flopped around?”

“Um, hard to say,” Spencer answered. “I think it was the whole thing.”

“Right,” Emilio said with a laugh. He dropped a kiss on Spencer’s forehead. “Now that I’ve gotten you all worked up with my suave moves, can we go to bed?”

“Yes.” Spencer walked over to the bed and started crawling onto it, but stopped when he heard Emilio’s loud groan. “What?” he asked, looking back over his shoulder.

Emilio dragged his gaze from Spencer’s ass to his face. “Love this fuckin’ view,” he said as he wrapped his hand around his shaft and started stroking.

“Come and get it, then,” Spencer said, shaking that tight ass.

Emilio laughed and jumped onto the bed. He grasped Spencer’s hips and held him steady as he buried his face in Spencer’s gorgeous butt, nipping and licking.

Spencer moaned and tucked his knees underneath him, rocking back against Emilio’s face. “Want you,” he rasped as he reached for the lube. He rolled onto his back and handed it to Emilio, his eyes full of trust.

Emilio took the bottle from Spencer and coated his fingers with slick before tossing it aside. “I want you too,” he said. “So damn much.” He knelt between Spencer’s legs and stroked his finger up and down his crease, eventually circling his hole and pressing inside.

Spencer raised his hips and moaned.

“Feel good?” Emilio asked as he moved his finger in and out of Spencer’s body.

“Yes,” Spencer said. He looked into Emilio’s eyes and reached for him. “I want more,” he said, spreading his legs on top of Emilio’s thighs.

Emilio rubbed his hand over his own dick, coating it with lube, then planted one hand on the bed and moved himself into position, pressing his crown against Spencer’s puckered opening. “You ready for me?” he asked.

“Always,” Spencer said.

Emilio slowly pressed inside, reveling in the feeling of tightness and silky heat surrounding him.

“Love this,” Spencer whispered once Emilio was fully seated. “Love you.”

Emilio smiled down at him. “Love you too,” he said, dipping down and rubbing the tip of his nose against Spencer’s.

Spencer’s eyes twinkled as he gazed up at him. He was smiling widely, completely free of any tension or fear. And Emilio knew that whatever else he did in his life, he’d make sure to keep that expression on Spencer’s face. Always.


“HEY, sleepyhead. Time to wake up.”

“Mnph,” Spencer grunted, reached for his pillow, and flopped it on top of his head.

“Goddamn, you’re cute.” Emilio’s happy voice penetrated the pillow. “But you still gotta wake up.”

Spencer peered out from underneath the fabric. “It’s Sunday.”

“Uh-huh.” Emilio spread out on the bed next to him, picked the pillow up, and kissed Spencer’s head.

“We can sleep in on Sundays,” Spencer reminded him.

“It’s ten o’clock,” Emilio said. “We did sleep in.”

“We just went to sleep a few hours ago,” Spencer whined. He flicked his eyes over Emilio’s body. “Why are you dressed?”

Emilio rolled on top of him and tugged his lower lip between both of his. “We went to sleep at eleven,” he reminded Spencer.

“But then you woke me up.” Spencer stretched his neck and kissed Emilio.

“I don’t remember you complaining,” Emilio said huskily. “And besides, you’re the one who woke me up.”

Spencer’s lips curled up in a smile. “That was the third time. You woke me up the first two times.”

“Yeah, I guess I did.” Emilio grinned down at him. “Are you awake now?”

“Yes,” Spencer admitted reluctantly.

“Good.” Emilio bounced off the bed and held his hand out. “Let’s go.”

Spencer scooted his face to the edge of the bed right in front of Emilio. With Emilio standing and Spencer on his hands and knees, he was at the perfect height for optimal access to Emilio’s groin, so he started mouthing that thick dick through the denim. “You sure you don’t want to come back to bed?”

Emilio groaned and reached for Spencer’s head, then he stopped and stepped back. “No time,” he said, sounding a little out of breath.

“Spoilsport.” Spencer sat up and stuck his tongue out.

“Oh, now that is adorable.” Emilio leaned in and licked his tongue. “But it isn’t going to distract me. Let’s go.”

“Fine,” Spencer sighed dramatically and walked over to the pile of clothes he had worn the day before. Four months into the remodeling project, Emilio had the electrical work, bathroom and painting done, and the kitchen almost ready for use. The floors were the last big job, and he had been working on them all week. Spencer had spent Saturday helping him as best he could. “The floors await. Let’s do it.”