“Emilio,” Spencer sighed happily. He wrapped his legs around Emilio’s waist, climbed onto his lap, and gently combed his fingers through Emilio’s hair as he sucked on his tongue. Though Spencer’s dick was hard as steel, pressing against Emilio’s belly, he made no move to get off, didn’t ask Emilio to return the favor, choosing instead to cuddle and kiss and bask.

It had taken Emilio by surprise at first, how giving Spencer was in bed. He had never been with someone who didn’t expect to get off right away, didn’t expect to receive everything he gave tit for tat. But he had learned Spencer was a uniquely generous lover, seeming to get pleasure from making Emilio feel good and not expecting anything in return. Not that it stopped Emilio from trying to give as good as he got. Hell, nothing made him hotter than watching Spencer come apart under his ministrations.

“I love you,” Spencer mumbled against Emilio’s mouth. He dropped another soft kiss on Emilio’s lips and then rested his head on Emilio’s shoulder, wiggling until they were even closer together, with nothing but Spencer’s underwear separating them, and held on tightly.

With the fog of passion finally lifting, Emilio took stock of their position. They were sitting on the floor just inside the bedroom, Spencer was wearing only briefs and socks, with the rest of his clothes in a heap next to them, and Emilio’s shirt was rucked up his chest and his pants tangled around his knees. The situation made him chuckle.

“What?” Spencer asked, raising his head and looking at Emilio.

“Look at us.” Emilio nudged his chin at their bodies. “We’re on the floor and I’ve still got all my clothes on.”

Spencer looked over his shoulder and then smiled at Emilio. “I think it’s sort of hot,” he said.


“I don’t know.” Spencer kissed the side of Emilio’s neck. “It’s like we were so into each other we couldn’t wait to get in bed or take all our clothes off or….” He let the words trail off and shrugged. “Hot.”

“Yeah, well, you said you wanted to get me off. That kind of makes my brain short out and all I can think about is making contact between my dick and your body.”

Spencer dropped his hand to Emilio’s exposed package. “Technically, you accomplished your goal.” Then he tugged on his T-shirt. “But just barely.”

“I’m only getting started,” Emilio said. “How about you?” He rubbed his palm over Spencer’s cloth-covered erection, making him tremble. “What do you want?”

Spencer peppered kisses along Emilio’s neck and jaw. “I want you to top me,” he said. “Is that okay?”

“Okay?” Emilio chuckled. “Making love to you is one of my favorite things in life.” He dropped his hands down the back of Spencer’s briefs and fondled his ass. “Just give me a minute to recover.” He caressed Spencer’s back and held him close, enjoying the feeling of Spencer’s breath ghosting over his neck and the clean scent of his hair. “You know, this is one of my other favorite things,” Emilio said. “Cuddling with you.”

“I love that you say things like that.” Spencer moved his hand under Emilio’s shirt and traced his nipple with one finger. “And I love it too.”

“Cuddling?” Emilio asked.

“Yes.” Spencer shifted until their gazes met. “And feeling you inside me.” Spencer’s eyes looked shiny and his voice hitched. “I missed that so much,” he said. “When we first got together I think I told you I like to bottom, but the truth is, for a long time, I’ve been scared I’d never really be able to like it again. But now… with you.” He swallowed hard. “It’s even better than it was before… it’s amazing.” He brushed Emilio’s hair back off his face. “You’re amazing.” Spencer blinked and smiled ruefully. “And I am sappy as all get-out. Quick, say something to save us from going into a sugar coma!”

“Oh, uh, okay.” Emilio rubbed his lips together and furrowed his brow in thought. “Wanna fuck?”

“Nice,” Spencer said with a laugh.

“No, seriously.” Emilio grasped Spencer’s hand and led it to his hard dick. “What you said got me revved up all over again.”

“Nice,” Spencer said, his voice husky that time. “I’ll remember to be sappy more often.”

“Or naked,” Emilio suggested. “Naked is good too.”

Spencer climbed off Emilio’s lap, hooked his thumbs in his briefs and pushed them down to his ankles, putting a little wiggle into it. Then he leaned down, brushed his lips over Emilio’s, and whispered, “Take me to bed.”

Emilio scrambled up and yanked on his shirt, almost falling down in the process. “Damn it,” he grumbled as he pulled the shirt over his head. His jeans had twisted around his legs and gotten caught under his shoe so it took some maneuvering to get the whole mess off. Finally, he was able to push all of his clothes down to his bare feet and kick them away. “There,” he said breathlessly, planting his hands on his hips and looking up.