But the weirdest part of all was that Peter had listened to him repeat the pool hall address and then followed him there. Dismissing Spencer’s text cancelling dinner was one thing, but coming after him when he knew full well that Spencer was meeting his date was just plain rude. Spencer had tried explaining that very thing to Peter, but he had refused to listen and instead ranted endlessly about how they should get back together but have an open relationship. Apparently, Peter considered that the solution to all their problems.

Spencer had been trying to let him down gently, trying to say good-bye once and for all, but Peter got angry, well, angrier, and then a pool ball came out of nowhere and hit him right in the crotch. The next thing Spencer knew, Peter was writhing on the floor and Emilio and his brothers were looking right at him.

He flicked his gaze from the cue stick in Emilio’s hand over to his handsome face, taking note of his self-satisfied expression, and the pieces fell together: Emilio had intentionally hit Peter with the ball. Spencer snorted in amusement and had to force himself to curl his lips over his teeth to stop smiling.

“Are you okay?” he asked Peter. “Here, I’ll help you up.” He knelt, put one hand on Peter’s back and the other on his elbow, and supported him as he stood.

“This is why civilized people don’t spend their time pushing little balls into little holes over and over again,” Peter grumbled. “Not to mention the fact that it smells terrible in here.” He twitched his nose, his expression sour and put-upon. “Let’s go.”

Peter grabbed Spencer’s wrist and tried pulling him toward the door.

“I’m not leaving with you,” Spencer said as he dug in his heels. “Haven’t you been listening to me? I told you, I’m here with my boyfriend.”

“And I told you that I’d take you back,” Peter said. When he wasn’t able to make Spencer budge, he sighed and said, “Okay, fine, I’ll admit I should have thought of trying an open relationship before we broke up, but I was very frustrated at the time. The important thing is, I thought of it now.” He paused and looked at Spencer expectantly.

“Uh,” Spencer said, not sure how to respond.

“I accept your apology,” Peter said. “Let’s go.”

“I didn’t apologize!” Spencer hissed, trying to keep his voice down. He shook Peter’s hand off. “This is ridiculous.”

“Spencer, here’s your sod….” Jim stopped in his tracks and looked back and forth between Spencer and Peter, a soda in each of his hands. “Is everything okay?”

“Terrific, now we’re going to have a scene,” Peter said disgruntledly. “How awkward.”

Spencer jerked his gaze over to him and dropped his jaw in shock. The awkward scene had started when Peter had shown up in his office, and things had degenerated from there. How did he not realize that? Once again, Spencer wondered what he had ever seen in the man.

“Spencer?” Jim repeated.

“Oh, uh, I’m fine.” Spencer shook off his confusion over Peter’s behavior and reached for the cup. “Peter was just leaving. Thank you for the soda.”

“Look, Spencer, I said I was sorry,” Peter said. Spencer didn’t bother pointing out that he hadn’t said any such thing. “You can’t actually want to be with him instead of me,” he added haughtily as he pointed his thumb in Jim’s direction.

Spencer immediately turned to Jim, wanting to apologize for Peter’s nasty words, for his inaccurate assumption, pretty much for anything and everything relating to Peter, but then Jim started laughing hysterically.

“Wait, you think we’re together?” He pointed back and forth between Spencer and himself. “Oh, that’s rich! I can’t wait to tell Alicia I passed as gay next time she accuses me of having no fashion sense.” He paused and snapped his gaze to Spencer. “Oh, uh, sorry. That’s not rude, is it?”

“I thought you said you were meeting your boyfriend!” Peter shouted accusingly. “I should have known this was another one of your elaborate games, Spencer.” He grabbed Spencer’s shoulders. “Didn’t I make it clear that I do not appreciate your nonsense? If you insist on—”

“Peter, please stop,” Spencer said, trying to wiggle free. “I’m not playing games with you. I’m not getting back together with you. I’m asking you to leave.”

“Why?” Peter sneered. “So you can spend time with your imaginary boyfriend?”

Spencer heard Emilio’s heavy footsteps right before his deep voice boomed from behind him. “The only thing I’m imagining is kicking your ass if you don’t get your fucking hands off Spencer right fucking now!”

Peter stepped back and gulped. “Who are you?” he asked, looking wide-eyed and a little pale.

“I’m Spencer’s boyfriend,” Emilio said as he walked right up to Spencer and rubbed his hands over his arms. “Are you okay, cariño?” he asked softly. “Did he hurt you?”