Spencer felt his cheeks heating. He ducked his head and gathered his papers, then straightened them before sliding them into his briefcase.

“You’re no fun,” Maria said. “You never tell me anything. If I had a guy who looked like that in bed, I’d give you every detail.”

Spencer knew firsthand that Maria had no qualms about sharing way too much information, even when she didn’t have a man who was anywhere near as beautiful as Emilio in her bed, and even when Spencer begged her to have mercy on him and stop.

“You have a great imagination, Maria,” he said as he buckled his case. “Just take whatever you’re thinking and double the heat. That should give you the idea.”

“Ohhh, you are evil!” Maria said with a laugh.

Spencer waggled his eyebrows. “How’re things going with Thom Bramfield?” he asked.

“I gave up on Coach Confusing,” she announced. “At first I thought he was being gentlemanly, then I thought he was doing that whole out-of-reach thing to drag me in, but at this point, I’m pretty sure he actually means it when he says he just wants to be friends.” She scoffed in disgust. “Can you believe that?”

“Friends is nice,” Spencer said as he walked around his desk, heading for the door. “What’s wrong with friends?”

“I have enough friends,” Maria said, getting up from her chair. “What I need is a good lay. I’m thinking of trying chicks.”

Spencer halted and panned his gaze over to her. “Okay, first, I’m pretty sure we’re not supposed to say chicks. And second, you can’t just switch teams. It doesn’t work that way.”

“Hey, some of the best sex of my life was with this chick I roomed with in college.” She paused. “See? I can say chick and it sounds fine.”

“You slept with a woman?” Spencer asked in surprise.

“More than one,” Maria answered haughtily. “Hot, right?”

Spencer gaped.

“Okay, maybe not to you,” she said. “But trust me on this: it’s hot.”

“You had sex with women because you thought guys would like it?” Spencer said incredulously.

“Of course not!” Maria answered, sounding completely affronted. “I fuck women when I want to fuck women and I fuck men when I want to fuck men.”

“You’re bi?”

“Sure,” Maria said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Everyone’s bi. Most people just don’t want to admit it.”

“Uh, no. I’m pretty sure that’s not true,” Spencer demurred.

“Fine,” Maria relented with a sigh. “Everyone except you.”

Spencer would have argued, but just then a knock sounded on his door.

“Should we make really loud sex noises so whoever’s out there thinks we’re doing it?” Maria asked excitedly.

“Sometimes I don’t know if you’re a student or a professor,” Spencer said, shaking his head.

“Thanks!” Maria responded.

“It wasn’t a compliment,” he said as he reached for the doorway.

“Says you.”

He stared at her and shook his head as he opened the door. “Seriously, Maria, you sound like—”

“Hello.” Peter’s voice stopped Spencer midsentence.

He swung his head around to see his ex-boyfriend standing in his office doorway.

“Uh, hello. Hi. What… hi.” Spencer snapped his mouth shut to stop his embarrassing rambling. He was taking a few breaths, trying to get his wits about him, when Maria strode up and stood next to him.

“Hello, Maria. It’s a pleasure to see you again. How have you been?”

“Peter,” Maria said. “The pleasure is all yours. Why are you here?”

Peter scowled and crossed his arms over his chest. “I see you’re still a raging bitch.”

She mirrored his stance, hiking her breasts up until they almost touched her chin. “Takes one to know one.”

“Okay, the teenager impression is not helping,” Spencer hissed at her. Then he turned his attention to Peter and said, “Look, I don’t mean to be rude, but—” He took a deep breath. “Why are you here?”

“Last weekend didn’t work out, so I thought we’d try it tonight,” Peter said.

“Try what?” Maria growled, her eyes squinting dangerously.

“I wasn’t talking to you!” Peter snapped at her. “I was talking to Spencer.”

Wow. Things were getting more awkward by the moment. “Maria, don’t you have somewhere to be?” Spencer asked, trying to separate her from Peter before she ripped his head off.

“Where?” Maria asked him.

“Anywhere but here?” Peter offered sarcastically.

Maria opened her mouth but Spencer spoke first and said, “Peter, seriously, what are you doing here?”

“I just told you. I’m here so we can have that dinner we talked about last week.”

“You agreed to go to dinner with this dickless jerk?” Maria screeched.

Peter’s face turned a disturbing shade of crimson. “Now you listen here, you little—”

“Nobody is going to dinner with anybody,” Spencer said hurriedly.

“But—” Peter started.

Spencer’s phone rang. “Excuse me,” he said, opening the front pocket of his briefcase and reaching for his phone. “That’s probably Emilio. We’ve been playing phone tag all day.”

“Who’s Emilio?” Peter asked.

“His boyfriend,” Maria answered smugly. “His super hot, super hung boyfriend.”