With that thought in mind, Spencer took a deep breath, squeezed Emilio’s hand, and said, “Let’s go meet your sister and see if I can make a good enough impression to keep your brothers from taking you away from me.”

“My brothers can’t tell me what to do,” Emilio growled, a hint of his youthfulness coming through in the defensive tone and scowl. “But it don’t matter anyway, ’cause they’ll love you too. My mama’s already impressed that you went to school for so long and that you teach at the university. I showed her some of those papers you wrote, and she’s real proud that we’re together. I even heard her talking to her sister about you.”

Spencer tripped. “You talked to your mother about me?”

“’Course I did,” Emilio said, as if that should have been perfectly obvious. “I moved in with you. I couldn’t do something like that without telling my family.”

Stated that way, Spencer agreed that it made sense. Of course, he had yet to tell his own family about Emilio, but that was mostly because he hadn’t talked with them since before they’d met. He thought about calling them, felt his stomach flip over from the idea, and decided to table it until later. His only priority right then was to get through dinner without doing anything to embarrass Emilio or make him change his mind about building something with Spencer that would last long after the remodeling was complete.

“HERMANITO!” Alicia’s voice rang out through the crowd of people standing on the patio surrounding the restaurant. They were a mix of sophisticated professionals and youthful hipsters. It was the kind of place Jim’s family frequented, and Alicia had been married to him long enough to fit right in, but Emilio felt out of place, certain he made less money than everyone there, and that he had less education. He figured Spencer would be comfortable in that setting, though, so he threw back his shoulders and charged forward, keeping Spencer close.

“Hi, Alley Cat.” He pulled his sister into a hug and kissed her cheek. “Hey, Jimmy,” he said to his brother-in-law as he raised his hand. “How are you?” They shook hands and leaned forward for a sideways semi-hug. He looked over his shoulder and held his arm out, waiting for Spencer to take a couple of steps forward, then he rested his hand on the small of Spencer’s back. “Spencer, this is my sister, Alicia Winters, and her husband Jim.” He tipped his head toward his pretty, dark-haired sister and her slightly round, gregarious husband. “And this”—he beamed as he looked at the intelligent, successful man by his side—“is Spencer Derdinger.”

He saw Spencer’s eyes widen and then he gulped, but those were the only outward signs of the nervousness he had shown earlier.

“It’s great to finally meet you,” Spencer said as he shook first Alicia’s hand and then Jim’s. “Emilio has a lot of wonderful things to say about both of you.”

“The way my brother talks about you, I half expected a halo over your head and harps playing in the background.” Alicia grinned at Spencer. “Either that or a gold lamé thong and nothing else.”

“It’s a good thing you were wrong, hon,” Jim said. “Because they require a shirt and shoes to be seated and angel wings would never fit between these tables. Speaking of tables, ours is ready.” He draped his arm over Alicia’s shoulders and nudged his chin toward the door into the restaurant. “Shall we?”

“So what do you think?” Emilio asked Spencer as they followed Jim and Alicia through the loud restaurant. “They’re nice, right?”

Spencer seemed a little startled but no longer panicked. “Yes. Very nice.” He looked from side to side and then lowered his voice as he said, “But I can’t believe your sister made that underwear comment.”

“I know.” He hunched down and spoke into Spencer’s ear. “If I was gonna have fantasies about you in sexy underwear, I’d choose one of those fancy jocks that’d show your ass but leave your sweet hole exposed.”

He caught Spencer as he tripped, the reaction predictable along with the flush climbing up his neck.

“Emilio!” Spencer hissed.

“Yeah?” Emilio wanted to pat himself on the back for managing to sound completely innocent.

“You can’t… you shouldn’t… you—” Spencer was sputtering and panting.

“Yeah?” he drawled.

Alicia and Jim had gotten ahead of them, and he could see them taking their seats.

“Do you really want me to get underwear like that?” Spencer whispered, taking Emilio off guard.

He looked down at his boyfriend to gauge whether he was joking. “You’d do that?” he asked as he shifted from side to side, trying to make room in his briefs for his thickening dick.

“If you’d like it, yes.” Spencer looked up at him, his eyes wide, running his tongue over his plump lips. “I think I’d do anything for you.”